levisonm@qucis.queensu.CA (Mark Levison) (05/03/89)
This is the summary of articles concerning the Cray - XMP that I promised a few months ago. Thanks to everybody who replied. The Best reading comes from either the Hwang and Briggs article or the Chen article for a summary and then the Jan 89 IEEE Computer article which discusses the design issues (it would be neat to see the same for the Cray-3 but that will have to wait a while). If any one is intrested I wrote a short (10 pg) paper discussing the XMP and will be happy to mail it to anyone who wants a copy. N.B. The paper is marked up with DCF but will probably survive an [nt]roff formatter. Further I never did find a copy of the interview in our issues of Electronic News but I did discover that someone (I think IEEE) has video of it. I managed to find copies of all the other articles. See the article in the Jan 1989 IEEE COMPUTER, which contains six articles describing design decisions behind six computers, including the Cray X-MP. (-: Brad Brown :-) bradb@ai.toronto.edu Recently, Seymour cray gave an interview at the ISSC or some parallelism conference or something. Anyway, it was written up in Electronics News about 1-2 months ago. First interview in 7 years, including lots of info on Seymour's life, and quips about what will be in the Cray-3, Cray-4, and Cray-5 ("The Cray-5 design will definitely be biological"). That article might be a way of spicing up your report. Don Larson's IEEE Computer Paper is a reasonable general reference. --eugene Steve S. Chen, "Large scale and high-speed multiprocessor system for scientific applications - Cray X-MP series" Proc. of Nato Advanced rsearch worklshop on high speed computation [ ed. J. Kowalik ] Springer Verlag, Julich, W.Germany, June '83. Regards Manoharan. See Jan. 1989 IEEE Computer Magazine. -Jonathan The current article of one of the big IEEE magazines has a long story on the development of the X-MP. It's something like "IEEE Computer". The cover indicates that the feature stories are five or six stories on the developments of individual architectures. -=- Andrew Klossner (uunet!tektronix!hammer!frip!andrew) [UUCP] (andrew%frip.gwd.tek.com@relay.cs.net) [ARPA] Cornelius,H.U. "Some Timings for Synchronization on the Multiprocessor System CRAY X-MP", in Parallel Computing 85, North-Holland,pp.457-462,1986. Barry Maher Briggs and Hwang "Computer Archietecture and Parallel Processing" (approx) - good summary, based mostly on the Chen article Anyway Thanks again Mark Levison levisonm@qucis.queensu.ca