adb@alice.UUCP (Alan Berenbaum) (05/23/89)
CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of Computer Architecture News "Architectural Support for I/O" Paper deadline: August 10, 1989 I am guest-editing a special issue of Computer Architecture News (published by the ACM SIGARCH), the topic of which will be "Architectural Support for I/O". Possible subjects for papers include, but are not limited to: o techniques for enhancing disk performance or reliability o design of I/O interfaces or accelerators o performance analysis or measurement o I/O interface standards o bus designs, specification, analysis CAN is a relatively informal journal, so almost any type of paper is acceptable. A paper can be a report of works-in-progress, status report on long-term projects, proposal, technical report, comment on work done elsewhere, bibliography, and so on. Papers submitted are not reviewed, and publication in CAN does not preclude publication of final papers in other ACM journals. Contributions should be camera-ready, and should not exceed 8 pages. Type should be single-spaced and confined to a 7 1/2" by 9 1/2" area per page. The publication date of the issue will be September 1989, and the deadline for papers is August 10, 1989. Let me know ahead of time if you intend to submit a paper. Please send completed papers to me, Alan Berenbaum AT&T Bell Labs, #2C-325 600 Mountain Ave. Murray Hill, NJ 07974 (internet) uunet!research!adb (uunet) 1-201-582-3655 (phone) 1-201-582-5857 (fax)