[comp.arch] 80186 Interrupts: Am I missing something?

greyham@hades.OZ (Greyham Stoney) (06/15/89)

Hiyall comparchies......

	I have a nasty little problem with an 80186 system I'm working on at
the moment; basically the problem is to do with missing interrupts. The
80186's built-in interrupt controller is being use to handle interrupts
from a variety of sources. Two of them in particular are something of a
worry because they are very short, cannot afford to be missed, and may
occur at almost exactly the same time. The problem seems to be that the
80186 doesn't latch the interrupts when they occur; so with my two
interrupts, if one of them is being serviced when the second comes in, the
second gets lost.

	Some solutions spring to mind:

	* make the second a higher priority than the first, and re-enable
interrupts in the first's service routine. This doesn't work though if they
come in in the reverse order (which they might).

	* make them the same priority and issue an EOI at the start of both
interrupt routines. This screws up though if two of the same interrupt come
in very close together; which they may well do.

	* make the hardware latch the things. Ha!. Only kidding!!!!

	Or is there something I've missed?. Yes, I have as a matter of fact
RTFM'd and if you've done so too, you'll know how much help that was.

	Any help greatly appreciated; EMAIL me direct and I'll summarize to
the net.


	Great.... now I can get back to slandering some Intel RISC
	based DMA cray 68000 optimisation VAX mainframe front-ends.....

/*  Greyham Stoney:    +61 2 428 6476
 *     greyham@hades.oz  - Ausonics, Lane Cove, Oz.   <- first preference
 *     greyham@utscsd.oz - Uni of Technology, Sydney. <- if hades bounces
 */	Zero Knowledge: Now THERE'S a concept I can identify with!!!

roelof@idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (R. Vuurboom) (06/28/89)

Electronic mail fail so posting:
In article <258@hades.OZ> you write:
>	I have a nasty little problem with an 80186 system I'm working on at
>the moment; basically the problem is to do with missing interrupts. The

Conceptually, either somebody knocks on your door (interrupt) or you
knock on theirs (polling). I don't see any other option (but will be
happy to be proven wrong).

If you can go out and read some sort of register, memory location whatever
which is set by the interrupting device you're off the hook. 
The flag which is set means "Hey, I generated an interrupt and want to be 
serviced". What you then do is in the interrupt routine (you really only need
one) poll each of the flags. Atomic test and clear the flag (if you can) and
carry out any required actions. This method is robust against (occasional) 
lost interrupts and double interrupts for the same service request or 
interrupts coming in at different levels.

>	Or is there something I've missed?. 
Not really except perhaps an occasional interrupt :-)

On the other hand if you can't do the above then you can forget about getting...
>	back to slandering some Intel RISC
>	based DMA cray 68000 optimisation VAX mainframe front-ends.....

Cause then you've got real problems :-)

Roelof Vuurboom  SSP/V3   Philips TDS Apeldoorn, The Netherlands   +31 55 432226
domain: roelof@idca.tds.philips.nl             uucp:  ...!mcvax!philapd!roelof

Roelof Vuurboom  SSP/V3   Philips TDS Apeldoorn, The Netherlands   +31 55 432226
domain: roelof@idca.tds.philips.nl             uucp:  ...!mcvax!philapd!roelof