[comp.arch] Fast conversions, another urban myt

mcdonald@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (09/22/89)

>A little extra complexity in the CPU will not increase the overall
>system cost by 60%.  However, the 60% increase in performance over
>competitors (who went the software route), will allow a 60% premium
>in the price of my machines, and its all gravy.

Really? Are people that buy business computers so stupid that they
can't tell that two machines run 60% diferent just because one
left out $100 worth of gates? Around here somebody trying that would
get laughed out of the water. The value of a machine is proportional
to how much it costs to MAKE, not how fast it will run. That is why
I paid $5000 for the machine I am writing this now, rather than
$1,000,000 for a 1960's IBM mainframe that would do less.

Doug McDonald

gee, 1000:1 is a big ratio - I am impressed, Intel!