[comp.arch] Location of netlib

lamaster@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Hugh LaMaster) (10/26/89)

This isn't exactly "architecture" but, many readers of this newsgroup may be
interested to know that Jack Dongarra has started publishing his report again,
and netlib has moved with him, it seems intact, to his new home at Oak Ridge
and Univ. of Tennessee.  The new address of netlib is: netlib@ornl.gov

As a followup, I note that the fastest single processor unmolested Fortran
result in his table is still the 7 ns clock ETA-10G, at 93 MFLOPS.  The
Cray Y-MP (6 ns clock) is slightly slower, at 84 MFLOPS.  The 1000x1000
Matrix Vector results, are 496 and 308 MFLOPS, respectively.  The
ETA is no longer manufactured, of course...

  Hugh LaMaster, m/s 233-9,  UUCP ames!lamaster
  NASA Ames Research Center  ARPA lamaster@ames.arc.nasa.gov
  Moffett Field, CA 94035     
  Phone:  (415)694-6117