[comp.arch] Workshops

ticky@sequent (Shreekant S. Thakkar) (01/22/90)


		     Seattle, Washington
		        May 25-26, 1990

			  sponsored by

Beginning last year, the ACM-SIGARCH has started offering support for a
number of workshops dealing with important issues in the field of Computer
Architecture.  Last year the workshops were held in Eilat, Israel.  Support
consists of providing a meeting place for the workshop, overhead projectors,
refreshments, publishing the record, and publicity arrangements.

Each workshop is requested to produce a record of the workshop events,
discussions, and presentations.  These will later be published in a special
issue of the ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture Newsletter (CAN).

Only a limited number of workshops can be accommodated.  To assist in the
organization of these workshops, SIGARCH is soliciting proposals for
workshops.  Proposals should include the title of the workshop, a brief
description of the focus, the organization and format of the workshop, the
duration (1 or 2 days), and the expected number of atendees.  Proposals
should be submitted as soon as possible, and in no case later than February
21, 1990, to:

		Prof. Anoop Gupta
		Computer Systems Laboratory
		Stanford University
		Stanford, CA 94305
		Arpanet: ag@pepper.stanford.edu
		Tel: (415) 725-3716]

A selection committee will evaluate all proposals.  Notifications of
acceptance will be made by February 28th.  The workshops will be held in
Seattle, Washington, May 25 to May 26 (for 1-2 days) immediately prior to
the Architecture Symposium (May 28 to May 31).
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