[comp.arch] Clock Rate Efficiency

alan@oz.nm.paradyne.com (Alan Lovejoy) (02/09/90)

In article <2103@crdos1.crd.ge.COM> davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.com (bill davidsen) writes:
>  The only comparison which counts is the performance at the highest
>production clockrate. When I buy a workstation I don't care about RISC
>vs. CISC, or "clock rate efficiency" (there's a marketing term if I ever
>heard one), I care about how many clock seconds it takes to run my job.
>If the job is CPU bound that maps one to one into CPU sec.

Buying the fastest system regardless of clock rate may be a wise move over short
time scales.  But it may be penny-wise and pound foolish over the long haul.

If you are going to commit yourself to an architecture (megabucks for 
megaboxes),  then you care about the ability of the vendor to evolve the
performance over time, since you intend to buy the next generation from the
same manufacturer when that becomes available.  This does not apply to everyone,
all the time.  But it applies to most purchasers of computer systems, most of
the time.

Obviously, an MPU that SPECmarks at X at clockrate Y has a much easier time
of boosting performance in the next generation than the MPU that SPECmarks
at 2X at clockrate 8Y, everything else being equal.  But of course, 
everything else usually is NOT equal, which is what makes life interesting.

So, is the 68040 faster than the SPARC at the same clockrate (if it is) because
its CISC ISA is superior to the SPARC's ISA?  Or is it because the '040
implementation uses more sophisticated wiring?  If the latter, then SPARC
need only use the 040's implementation strategies to turn the tables on the
M680x0 family (assuming they need turning).

On the other hand, you may only care which system is the fastest RIGHT NOW,
because NOW is when you have to purchase something.  Next year you will 
perhaps buy something else, and port your codes as necessary.  If that is the
case, MIPS has a box they'd be glad to sell you...for a price.  But next 
week, you'll want to check out what IBM is offering...  Unless, of course,
you actually depend on other criteria than just current performance for
your purchasing decisions?
____"Congress shall have the power to prohibit speech offensive to Congress"____
Alan Lovejoy; alan@pdn; 813-530-2211; AT&T Paradyne: 8550 Ulmerton, Largo, FL.
Disclaimer: I do not speak for AT&T Paradyne.  They do not speak for me. 
Mottos:  << Many are cold, but few are frozen. >>     << Frigido, ergo sum. >>