[comp.arch] HOT CHIPS 2

dave@sun.Eng.Sun.COM (Dave Ditzel) (03/07/90)

                      Call For Papers
                 Second HOT CHIPS Symposium
            August 20-21, 1990, Santa Clara, CA

     The second HOT CHIPS Symposium is scheduled for  August
20-21,  1990 in Santa Clara, California.  The Hot Chips Sym-
posium is a conference that  consists  of  presentations  on
high  performance  chip  and  chip-set products, and related
topics.   Topics  of  interest  include:  high   performance
microprocessors  (both  RISC  and  CISC), graphics and image
chips/coprocessors, floating point chips/coprocessors, digi-
tal   signal   processing  chips,  systolic  chips,  network
interface/controller  chips,  bus  chips,  cache  chips  and
memory  system  controllers,  neural network chips, compiler
issues, benchmarking and performance evaluation, etc.

     This conference is directed  particularly  at  new  and
exciting  products.   The  emphasis is on real products, not
academic designs.  Participants  will  not  be  required  to
prepare  written  papers;  the  proceedings  will consist of
copies of the slides to be presented, which must  be  avail-
able  for  duplication  approximately one month prior to the
conference.  There will probably be a special issue of  IEEE
MICRO  devoted  to the symposium; those participants wishing
to have a paper in that issue will of course have  to  write

     The program committee for this conference  consists  of
Alan  Jay  Smith  (UC  Berkeley  -  Co-chair), John Crawford
(Intel - Co-chair), Forest Baskett (Silicon Graphics),  Dave
Ditzel  (Sun  Microsystems), John Hennessy (Stanford Univer-
sity and MIPS), Dave  Patterson  (UC  Berkeley),  and  Mario
Tokoro (Sony and Keio University).

     This is a  request  for  submission  of  proposals  for
presentations  at the conference.  A proposal should consist
of a title, a one paragraph description of  the  product  or
topic  to  be presented, and the name, title, address, phone
number, fax number   and  electronic  mail  address  of  the
presenter/person   responsible.    If  this  is  a  not  yet
announced product, and you would like  the  submission  kept
confidential,  please  indicate  it;  we will do our best to
maintain confidentiality.

     The submission should be sent to Prof. Alan Jay  Smith,
CS  Division,  EECS  Department,  University  of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA) and/or to John Crawford (Intel Cor-
poration,  SC4-59, 2625 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051,
USA).  Electronic submissions or requests for additional 
information should be sent to smith@ucbarpa.berkeley.edu or

     Please circulate this call for presentations to  anyone
you  know  who might have something interesting to say.  The
deadline for submissions of  proposals  is  April  1,  1990,
although  submissions  received  after that date may be con-
sidered if there is room in the program.