[comp.arch] Wanted: 68000 assembler

dmagagno@king.mcs.drexel.edu (David Magagnosc) (06/08/90)

Hello all,

Here at Drexel we are (attempting) to set up a lab for
Systems Architecture / Assembly language courses.  We
are planning to use the Motorola educational 68000
boards as a base.  We will need some kind of an assembler
for the students to use.

Here's the question:  does anyone out there have, preferably
free or very cheap, a good crossassembler?  We would
like source code for portability to various host systems,
but I suppose we could get by with only good object.
We (maybe I should say "I") would prefer an assembler/linker
which generates absolute code, as opposed to CODE resources
and uninitialized data as on the Macintosh.

Any ideas?

Please reply via mail.  If there are sufficient responses
and/or additional queries, I will post a summary to the net.


David Magagnosc