[comp.arch] residue arithmetic

vu0310@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (R. Kym Horsell) (09/12/90)

Apropos of the recent talk about modular/residue arithmetic, the following 
small bibliography might get you going:

Agrawal DP, Roa TRN
On Modular 2^n+1 Arith Logic
Proc 4th Symp on Comp Arith, 1978

DK Banerji
On Comb Logic for Sign Detection in Res Num Systems
Proc 3rd Symp on Comp Arith, 1975

Garner, el at
Residue Number Systems for Computers
ASD TR 61-483, 1961

Gregory RT
Base Conversion in Residue Number Systems
Proc 3rd Symp on Comp Arith, 1975

Keir YA, el at
Division & Overflow Detection in Residue Number Systems
IRE Trans Elec Comp, vEC-11#4, 1962

Szabo NS, Tanaka RI
Residue Arith & Its Application to Comp Tech
McGraw-Hill, 1967

Szabo NS
Sign Detection in Non-redundant Residue Systems
IRE Trans Elec Comp, vEC-11#4, 1962

Tan KG
The Theory & Implementation of High Radix Division
Proc 4th Symp on Comp Arith, 1978

I apologize for the somewhat `ratty' nature of this post --
just entered from rough notes.

-Kym Horsell