[comp.arch] FFT break-even point

kym@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (R. Kym Horsell) (09/15/90)

Initial report on break-even in discrete FFTs for XP multiply

The thy regarding FFT and extended-precision multiply can be found in any
reasonable book on computer algorithms and complexity (see, e.g. DEK,
Hwang&Briggs, Wilf, etc).

The main result, which can be applied to a class of algorithms including
polynomial multiplication (encompassing fixed-point multiplication), show
these can be performed in ``approximately'' O(n log n) time where n is the 
size of the operands.

With careful selection of parameters (and exact details will remain vague
until I verify whether any of this is worth publishing) the FFT
``constant of proportionality'' can be made quite reasonable.

The question is -- where is the break-even point wrt naive ``shift-and-add''

From an initial benchmark, that does not purport to be of a _correctly_ 
working fft multiply (regard it as ``synthetic'' at this point), 
I have obtained the following data (times in ms, figures in parens with 
		fft		naive
VAX 6440
		4020		2590
		(3840)		(2590)
VAX 8530
		6617		6516
		(6400)		(6483)
Sun 3/60
		9434		9750
		(7017)		(5717)
Sun Sparc 1
		8233		19600
		(5200)		(6533)

The size of the operands is approximately 160 bits (giving a 160-bit
result: high-order being discarded). [Remember, I'm talking about
XP calcs implemented in s/w here -- this figure is not directly
applicable to h/w implementations of, say, extended precision FP

As far as I can determine, these figures represent a true break-even point
on all the above architectures except the 6440. Note also that optimization
tends to shift the break-even (e.g. Sun 3/60).  A more detailed analysis may
determine _why_ this is in each case; meanwhile anyone else is free to jump
the gun.

Since FFTs have an extremely unusual ``constant of proportionality'',
that depends on the canonical factorization of the size of the operands
the exact characterization of a break-even point is quite difficult.
Hence the ``preliminary-only'' nature of this 160-bit figure.

[For those that may like to dispute this initial figure out of hand
please consider: we wish to compare _apples_ with _apples_. Although
it may be possible to hand-code a naive XP mult to give extremely good 
performance on a given architecture (and, naturally, _none_ of my code is 
in assembler), the same would be true for the FFT algorithm.]

I will post a more detailed report, for those interested, inaculadayz.

-Kym Horsell
PS	If anyone can save me some work by pointing at >1 authoritative
	reference ON THIS SAME WORK, please post or email.