[comp.arch] Reminder---1991 ISCA paper submission due real soon

pc@eecg.toronto.edu (Paul Chow) (11/16/90)

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

                     18th International Symposium on
                          Computer Architecture
                             Toronto,  Canada
                             May 27-30, 1991

                               sponsored by
                          IEEE Computer Society
         Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
                   Association for Computing Machinery


        Program Chair
        John Hayes
        Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
        University of Michigan
        1301 Beal Avenue
        Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109

        Conference Chair
        Zvonko Vranesic
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        University of Toronto
        Toronto, Ontario   M5S 1A4

        Conference Secretary
        Paul Chow
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        University of Toronto

        Tutorial Chair
        Wayne Loucks
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        University of Waterloo

        Bruno Di Stefano
        Nuptek Systems Limited

        Gail Dragan
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        University of Toronto

       Submitted  papers  will be  accepted  for  consideration  until
    November 21, 1990.   Five copies of the  double-spaced manuscript,
    in English,  not exceeding  6000 words in  length, should be  sent
    to the  Program Chair.   A single cover  sheet should be  included
    which contains:   paper title, full names, affiliations,  complete
    addresses, and  phone numbers  of the authors.   E-mail  addresses
    should be included if available.

       Papers are solicited  on any aspects of Computer  Architecture.
    Topic areas include, but are not limited to,
       - Non-numeric architectures
       - Novel computing techniques
       - Distributed and parallel architectures
       - Language and operating systems support
       - Application-specific architectures
       - Performance evaluation and measurement
       - Technology impact on architecture
       - Memory systems
       - Very-high performance architectures

       Because  the identity  of  the  authors will  not  be  revealed
    to the  referees, authors'  names and  affiliations should  appear
    only on  the cover  sheet.   Authors should  avoid references  and
    citations that compromise anonymity.

       Notification of acceptance will  be given by February 8,  1991.
    Authors of  accepted papers will be  requested to submit a  final,
    camera-ready copy by March 11, 1991.

       Tutorials will  be held  on May  27, 1991.    Send five  copies
    of  proposals for  full  or 1/2  day  tutorials to  the  Tutorials
    Chair  to be  received by  November 28,  1990.   Proposals  should
    include:  tutorial title, outline, brief description  of topics to
    be covered, intended audience, assumed attendee  background, and a
    resume of the speaker.