[comp.arch] Bus specifications

lokberg@itk.unit.no (Ola Loekberg) (12/13/90)


I am working on a Ph.D thesis involving an in-debth analysis of available,
high-performance bus standards. Unfortunately, I have a few black holes
in my documentation, namely Fastbus (IEEE 960) and Futurebus+ (especially
detailed information about the different transfer modes: compelled, non-
compelled and split transactions). Does anybody out there have any hints 
where to find this information (I know I can get the Fastbus spec from IEEE,
but it takes 4-5 weeks. The Futurebus+ spec. is not yet available from IEEE
as far as I know).

	Any help will be greatly appreciated, best regards


bill@dy4.uucp (Bill Panter HW) (12/15/90)

In article <LOKBERG.90Dec13151734@heidi.itk.unit.no> lokberg@itk.unit.no (Ola Loekberg) writes:
>I am working on a Ph.D thesis involving an in-debth analysis of available,
>high-performance bus standards. Unfortunately, I have a few black holes
>in my documentation, namely Fastbus (IEEE 960) and Futurebus+ (especially
>detailed information about the different transfer modes: compelled, non-
>compelled and split transactions). Does anybody out there have any hints 
>where to find this information (I know I can get the Fastbus spec from IEEE,
>but it takes 4-5 weeks. The Futurebus+ spec. is not yet available from IEEE
>as far as I know).
Futurebus+ is actually a whole family of specs. Some are nearly finished, having
gone to sponsor ballot. Others are well under way, and some haven't even been
conceived yet. The IEEE normally provides copies on finished documents through
the service centres (i.e. Piscataway NJ?). For documents under construction, 
the best way to see them is to participate in their creation. Failing that,
act as an expert reviewer. If you can't do either, contact the nearest office
of the VFEA International Trade Association. For you, that would be: 
  PO Box 192
  5300 AD Zaltbommel, 
  Tel (31)4180.14661
Regards,                     /   \     /  /
  Bill Panter               /___ / o  /  /
  DY-4 Systems, Inc.       /   \  /  /  /
  (O)613-596-9911 x450    /____/_/\_/\_/\__
  (P)21 Fitzgerald Rd, Nepean, Ont, CANADA K2H 9J4
  (E)   bill@dy4.UUCP
  Disclaimer: I said it, and nobody else.