rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (01/10/91)
Call for Attendance International Symposium on Shared Memory Multiprocessing (ISSMM) Sponsored by Information Processing Society of Japan With the Support from International Information Science Fundation IBM Japan NEC Conference Chair Takashi Masuda (University of Tokyo) Treasurer Kazuya Tago (IBM Japan) Local Arrangement Chair Yoshikatsu Tada (Electro-Comm. University) Program Chair Norihisa Suzuki (IBM Japan) Program Committee Tilak Agerwala (IBM) Forest Baskett (Silicon Graphics) Ed Clarke (CMU) David Gifford (MIT) Jim Goodman (University of Wisconsin) John Hennesy (Stanford University) Paul Hilfinger (U. C. Berkeley) Nobuhiko Koike (NEC) Chuck Thacker (DEC) Shinji Tomita (Kyushu University) Akinori Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) For more information contact Dr. Norihisa Suzuki IBM Tokyo Research Lab. 5-19 sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102 JAPAN Phone: 81-3-3288-8300 FAX: 81-3-3265-4251 E-mail: NSUZUKI@JPNTSCVM.BITNET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fee ~~~ 30,000 Yen Registration fee includes: Monday Reception, Wednesday Banquet, Coffee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ breaks, and a copy of proceedings. Note: the hotel registration includes breakfast. Additional banquet ticket at 10,000 Yen Name: __________________________________________________________________ Affiliation: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________ Payment Form (Please check appropriate box) Check in Yen ( ) Credit Card ( ) Visa ( ) Number: _____________________ M/C ( ) Expiration Date: ____________ A/E ( ) Please fill out the above registration form and mail or fax it to: Dr. Kazuya Tago IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory 5-19 Sanbancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102 JAPAN FAX: 81-3-3265-4251 PHONE: 81-3-3288-8406 E-MAIL: TAGO@TRLVM1.IINUS1.IBM.COM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel Registration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Conference Hotel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunshine Prince Hotel 1-5, Higashi-Ikebukuro 3-chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170 Phone: 81-3-3988-1111 Fax: 81-3-3983-0126 Contact Person: Mr. Hideki Matsunaga Rate ~~~~ Single Y13,000 Large Single Y17,000 Deluxe Twin Y23,000 The rate includes breakfast and service charge. Transportation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a limousine from Narita airport (Y2,700) to the hotel directly, that leaves every half an hour. Reservation ~~~~~~~~~~~ Please contact directly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM ~~~~~~~ Monday, April 1 1991 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19:00-21:00 Reception ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, April 2 1991 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:00 Opening Remarks N. Suzuki (IBM Tokyo Research Lab.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 1 Experience I Chair: T. Masuda (U. Tokyo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:15 Experiences with Parallel Symbolic Computation Algorithms E. M. Clarke, D. E. Long, S. Michaylov, S. A. Schwab, J. P. Vidal (CMU), and S. Kimura (Kobe University) 9:45 Experimental Evaluation of Algorithmic Performance on Two shared Memory Multiprocessors A. Sivasubramaniam, G, Shah, J. Lee, U. Ramachandran, and H. Venkateswaran (Georgia Institute of Technology) 10:15 Cofffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 2 Compiler Chair: T. Agerwala (IBM) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:45 An Empirical Investigation of the Effectiveness and Limitations of Automatic Parallelization J. P. Singh and J. L. Hennesy (Stanford University) 11:15 Fine-Grain Loop Scheduling for MIMD Machines C. J. Brownhill, K-C. Kim, and A. Nicolau (UC Irvine) 11:45 Lunch Break ~~~~~~~~~~ Session 3 Scalable Architecture I Chair: F. Baskett (Silicon Graphics) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1:15 A Scalable Cache Coherence Mechanism for Large Scale Multiprocessors S. L. Scott (U. Wisconsin) 1:45 Fault-Tolerant Design for Multistage Routing Networks A. DeHon, T. Knight, and H. Minsky (MIT) 2:15 Dynamic Pointer Allocation for Scalable Cache Coherence Directories R. Simoni and M. Horowitz(Stanford University) 2:45 Coffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 4 Scalable Architecture II Chair: J. R. Goosman (U. Wisconsin) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3:15 Cenju: A Multiprocessor System with a Distributed Shared Memory Scheme for Modular Circuit Simulation T. Nakata, N. Tanabe, N. Kajihara, S. Matsushita, H. Onozuka, and Y. Asano, and N. Koike (NEC) 3:45 Latency Tolerance in Large-Scale Multiprocessors K. kurihara, D. Chaiken, and A. Agerwala (MIT) 4:15 Overview of the Stanford DASH Multiprocessor D. Lenoski, J. Laudon, K. Gharachorloo,W-D. Weber, A. Gupta, and J. Hennesy (Stanford University) Wednesday, April 3 1991 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 5 Tools Chair: N. Koike (NEC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:00 Restructuring a Parallel Simulation to Improve Cache Behavior in a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor: A First Experience D. R. Cheriton, H. A. Goosen, and P. Machanick (Stanford University) 9:30 A Replay Mechanism for Mostly Functional Paarallel Programs R.H. Halstead, Jr. (DEC Cambridge Research Lab.) and D. A. Kranz (MIT) 10:00 Coffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 6 Operating System Chair: D. Gifford (MIT) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:30 MUSTARD: A Mutiprocessor UNIX for Embedded Real-Time Systems S. Hiroya, T. Momoi, and K. Nihei (NEC) 11:00 Abstracting Data-Representation and Partitioning-Scheduling G. A. Alverson and D. Notkin (U. Washington) 11:30 An Analysis of QLOB Synchronization and prefetching in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors P. J. Woest and J. R. Goodman (U. Wisconsin) 12:00 Lunch Break ~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 7 Evaluation and Superscalar Chair: P. Hilfinger (UC Berkeley) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1:30 Throughput and Fairness Analysis of Prioritized Multiprocessor Arbitration Protocol M. Ishigaki (Nomura Research Institute), H. Takagi (IBM Tokyo Research Lab.), Y. Takahashi, and T. Hasegawa (U. Kyoto) 2:00 Fine Grain Software Pipelining of Non-Vectorizable Nested Loops K-C. Kim and A. Nicolau (UC Irvine) 2:30 A Dynamic Instruction Delivery Pipeline for Superscalar Architecture T. Chiueh and S-I. Doong (UC Berkeley) 3:00 Lunch Break ~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 8 ~~~~~~~ ~ 3:00 Panel Discussion 6:00 Banquet Tenzan Room at Sunshine Prince Hotel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 9 Experience II Chair: E. M. Clarke (CMU) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:00 Experience with the Firefly Multiprocessor Workstation S. Owicki (DEC Systems Research Center) 9:30 Design and Evaluation of Snoop-Cache-Based Multiprocessor, TOP-1 S. Shimizu, N. Ohba, A. Moriwaki, and T. Nakada (IBM Tokyo Research Lab.) 10:00 Coffee Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session 10 Cache Chair: J. L. Hennesy (Stanford University) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:30 The Kyushu University Reconfigurable Parallel Processor -Cache Architecture and Cache Coherence Schemes- S. Mori, K. Murakami, E. Iwata, A. Fukuda, and S. Tomita (Kyushu University) 11:00 An Evaluation of Cache Coherence Protocols for MIN-Based Multiprocessors S. J. Baylor, K. P. McAuliffe, and B. D. Rathi (IBM TJ Watson Research Center) 11:30 Formal Verification of the Gigamax Cache Consistency Protocol K. L. McMillan (CMU) and J. Schwalbe (Encore Computer Co.)