[comp.arch] Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference

mwolfe@ogicse.ogi.edu (Michael Wolfe) (03/20/91)

			Portland, Oregon
	              April 28-May 1, 1991


This information is available electronically via anonymous ftp from

	% ftp cse.ogi.edu		[or]
	Name: anonymous
	Password: [your name]
	ftp> cd pub
	ftp> cd dmcc6
	ftp> get Register		[this file]
	ftp> get Schedule		[full conference schedule]
	ftp> quit


The sixth annual Distributed Memory Computing Conference (DMCC6) in
Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2, 1991 is nearly upon us.  We expect
that the growing use of parallel supercomputers for "real world"
commercial and industrial computing will make this one of the most
significant conferences of 1991.  The theme of the 1991 conference -
"Enabling Technologies for Parallel Computing" - combined with locating
the conference in Portland, will make DMCC6 a focal point for examining
key issues facing the advanced computing industry over the next

The preliminary program reflects the emphasis on program content and
quality that was set as a primary goal for the 1991 conference.  We
have shortened the conference by one day.  This means that, of several
hundred papers and posters submitted, only the very best have been
selected for presentation at DMCC6 - again, emphasizing quality, not

Oregon is second to none as a destination site, and you will find the
entire Pacific Northwest a special place.  Special pre- and
post-conference tours can be arranged to enable attendees to extend
their enjoyment of the beauty of Portland and the Pacific Northwest.

Register early for DMCC6 using the attached registration form.  The
sixth annual Distributed Memory Computing Conference (DMCC6) in
Portland, Oregon, April 28 - May 2 will be the most exciting conference
of 1991.

Our famous "Northwest Hospitality" will be waiting for you. See you
soon in Portland!

Walter Rudd
DMCC6 General Chairman
Oregon Advanced Computing Institute


Sunday: April 28, 1991 - Registration - All Day

=================================Half Day Tutorials===========================
8:30 - Noon   Half-day Tutorial Session I 
	T1:  "Computational Fluid Dynamics on Parallel Processors: Algorithms 
		and Applications"
		Ramesh K. Agarwal, McDonnell Douglas Research Labs.
	T2:  "Teaching Parallel Computing"
		Marilynn Livingston, U. of Southern Illinois-Edwardsville 
		and Quentin F. Stout, University of Michigan

1:15 - 5:00   Half-day Tutorial Session II 
	T3:  "Monte Carlo Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Highly 
		Parallel Algorithms based on Statistical Sampling"
		Michael Mascagni, Supercomputing Research Center
	T4:  "Compiling for Distributed-Memory Machines"
		Hans Zima, University of Vienna

===================================All Day Tutorial============================
8:30 - 5:00   Full-day Tutorial Session 
	T5:  "The Future of Supercomputing: The Next Decade and Beyond"
		Stephen F. Lundstrom, PARSA

5:30-8:30 - Attendee Reception


T1:  "Computational Fluid Dynamics on Parallel Processors: Algorithms and 
	Ramesh K. Agarwal, McDonnell Douglas Research Labs.

This half-day tutorial is concerned with the implementation of algorithms to 
solve the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations on concurrent computers with grain 
sizes ranging from fine to coarse.  Modern numerical algorithms will be 
discussed, and their implementation on machines such as the CRAY X-MP, Intel 
iPSC, and Connection Machines CM-2 will be described.  Particular attention 
will be paid to differences in implementation on SIMD and MIMD architectures. 
In addition, user interface and software portability issues will be addressed.

T2:  "Teaching Parallel Computing"
	Marilynn Livingston, University of Southern Illinois-Edwardsville, and 
	Quentin F. Stout, University of Michigan

This tutorial will help persons institute introductory courses in parallel 
computing by providing specific information on course organization, hardware and
software options, course materials, and funding opportunities.  Emphasis will 
be on parallel computing alternatives suitable for a teaching environment rather
than a research/production one. A spectrum of courses in parallel computing will
be outlined, ranging from application-oriented parallel programming to more 
abstract parallel algorithms. Classroom materials such as syllabi, suggested 
reading lists, some sample homework problems and lab exercises will be made 

T3:  "Monte Carlo Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Highly Parallel 
Algorithms based on Statistical Sampling"
	Michael Mascagni, Supercomputing Research Center

This half-day tutorial begins with an introduction to the Monte Carlo method 
(MCM) via the example of numerical integration.  This includes basic sampling 
theory and examples of variance reduction techniques.  Next MCMs based on 
functional integration for elliptic PDEs are discussed.  These are MCMs based 
Brownian motion and random walks.  Methods for linear and nonlinear parabolic 
PDEs will then be presented via the random gradient method (RGM).  Included will
be new results on the RGM in two and three dimensions Finally, the parallel 
implementation of these PDE MCMs is presented with examples for both MIMD and 
SIMD machines.

T4:  "Compiling for Distributed-Memory Machines"
	Hans Zima, University of Vienna

This half-day tutorial describes a new compilation technique for mapping 
sequential programs to distributed memory systems (DMS).  It is based on the 
SPMD model of computation in which each processor performs the same computation 
on different sets of data.  The task of the compiler is to create a distributed 
program and insert all required communication.  Currently the main task of the 
user in the compilation approach is the specification of array distribution.  
We will outline current work on automatic data decomposition, and will include a
demonstration of the SUPERB system, which curently transforms sequential FORTRAN
programs into parallel programs for SUPRENUM, the Intel iPSC/860, and Transputer

T5:  "The Future of Supercomputing: The Next Decade and Beyond"
	Stephen F. Lundstrom, PARSA

Important multidisciplinary applications are driving the development of new 
scientific supercomputing capabilities toward the TeraFLOP range.  This full-day
tutorial will look at the facts of where available technologies are now, how 
they are advancing, and how they might be used to implement the fantasy - the 
dreams - of future fully-scaled TeraFLOP computing systems.  Topics will include
significant aspects of hardware, systems software, application devolopment 
support, and visualization, discussing what capabilities are feasible over the 
next decade and specific challenges which must be met in the near term.


===========================SUMMARY PROGRAM GUIDE==============================
Monday: April 29, 1991 *** Registration - 7:00 to 8:15 am

8:15 General Session
8:30 - Invited Speaker: David Kahaner: High Performance Computing in Japan

TRACK 1	       	TRACK 2	           TRACK 3       	   TRACK 4	
SST1: Software 	CA1: Computation   PA1: Performance	   V1: Vendor 
Technology and	and Algorithms:	   Analysis: 		   Tutorials:
Tools:		Experiences	   Performance             Parallel Software
Simulation &		           Modeling		   Tools
Task mapping	
SST2: Software  CA2: Computation   PA2: Performance 	   V1: Vendor 
Technology and  and Algorithms:    Analysis:               Tutotials(Cont):
Tools:Operating	Algorithms:Finite  Benchmarks	           Parallel Software
Systems		Element Methods				   Tools (Cont)

SST3: Software 	SS1: Special       PA3: Performance	   V2: Vendor 
Technology and  Session:	   Analysis: 		   Tutorials: 
Tools:		Intel/DARPA        Performance		   Distributed Ada
Compilers	Touchstone	   Visualization	   Exp. & Aspirations

Tuesday: April 30, 1991 *** Registration - 7:00 to 8:15 am

8:15 General Session
8:30 - Invited Speaker: H.T. Kung: Fine Grain vs. Coarse Grain Parallelism

TRACK 1	           TRACK 2		  TRACK 3	  TRACK 4	
A1: Architecture:  CA3: Computation and	  SS2: Special:   V3: Vendor Tutorials:
Interconnection	   Algorithms:		  Session:  The	  Programming the 
Networks	   Optimization		  iWarp Project   iPSC/860	

SST4: Software     CA4: Computation and	  PA4: Performance V4: Vendor Tutorials:
Technology and 	   Algorithms:		  Analysis: 	   Portable Parallel 
and Tools:Task	   Methodology	 	  Portable	   Programming
Scheduling	   			  Parallelism	   
SST5: Software     CA5: Computation and	  MS1: Minisymposium:  V4(Cont):
Technology and	   Algorithms:		  Aerospace Appl.      Vendor Tutorials:
and Tools:     	   System Solvers	  and Dist. Memory     Portable Parallel
Programming	   			  Computing	       Programming(Cont)
Language Models

Banquet Speaker: Terry Cole: Planetary Data Visualization at JPL

Wednesday: May 1, 1991

8:15 General Session
8:30 - Invited Speaker: Ken Kennedy: Compiler Support for Portable Parallel 

TRACK 1	           TRACK 2	          TRACK 3		TRACK 4
A2: Architecture:  SS3: Special Session:  SST6: Software Tech.	V5: Vendor
Interconnection    Performance Analysis   and Tools: Load	Tutorials:
Networks	   Tools        	  Balancing	        Express &

A3: Architecture: CA6: Computation	  SST7: Software Tech.	V5: (Cont)
Special Purpose   and Algorithms:	  and Tools: Load	VendorTutorials:Designs		  Communication		  Balancing		Express &
								Tools (Cont)



Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the hotels listed on the Housing Request 
Form.  To guarantee a reservation at the special convention rate shown, make 
your reservation request early by completing and mailing the Housing Request 
You may not be offered the convention rate and DMCC6 may not receive credit for
your reservation against our room block.

DMCC6 must receive your Housing Request Form by April 1, 1991.  After this date,
the hotel's standard rates will apply.  Space will be assigned on a first-come, 
first served basis.  All DMCC6 hotels are located downtown and within walking 
distance of each other.


United Airlines will offer a 45% discount off unrestricted coach fares for all 
DMCC6 attendees travelling to/from Portland between 4/23/91 and 5/9/91.  
The special fares are available through United's Meeting Desk (1-800-521-4041) 
[8am to 11pm EST].  Reservations must reference the DMCC6 Meeting ID # 439IT to
receive the special fares and a special Hertz rental rate.  

Special fares are also available through Delta Airlines.  (Call 1-800-221-1212 
and ask for the Special Meeting Network.)  Reservations must reference the DMCC6
Meeting ID # R23069 to receive the special fares.

Because these special fares can amount to a savings of as much as $500 on a 
round trip coach fare from the East Coast, attendees are urged to take advantage
of this special offer.  Both airlines will offer special Canadian discounts.


For paid tutorials, the tutorial fee includes admission to one tutorial and 
notes.  Please note that ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for all paid 
tutorials.  Tutorials with too few participants will be cancelled.  Registration
fees for the tutorials, with conference registration, are as follows:

					            REGULAR	STUDENT
One-half Day Tutorials (T1, T2, T3, T4) - 	

		Postmarked Before April 1, 1991	    $175	$ 90

		Postmarked After April 1, 1991	    $200        $110	

Full-day Tutorial (T5) - 

		Postmarked Before April 1, 1991	    $275	$135

		Postmarked After April 1, 1991	    $300	$175

Registration fees for tutorials only are:

		One-half day tutorials		    $250	$175

		Full Day Tutorial		    $350	$200

						Tutorials Sub-Total =________

The regular registration fee includes admission to contributed sessions, poster
sessions, all exhibits, the Conference Banquet, and a copy of the Conference 
Proceedings.  The student fee includes all of the above except the Conference
Banquet, for which tickets may be separately purchased at the conference. 

					        REGULAR		STUDENT

Postmarked on or before April 1, 1991		$245		$90

Postmarked after April 1, 1991			$275		$110

At the Conference				$300		$120

					Technical Program Sub-Total =________
Indicate quantity of each required:

Conference Banquet	 		___ x	$45	= _____

Additional Conference Proceedings*	___ x	$95	= _____
					Additional Items Sub-Total =________

					        	GRAND TOTAL = ________ 


NAME:_______________________________________E- MAIL:__________________________



COUNTRY:___________________________PHONE NUMBER: (____)_____________________ 

Do you want the above information included in the register of attendees?  

____Yes ___No

______MasterCard      Card No.__________________ Exp. Date________
_____VISA     	Signature_____________________ [FAX to OACIS (503) 690-1210)


Fill out all of the preseeding registration forms and mail or FAX  to:
	DMCC6 Registration
	Knudsen Associates, Inc.
	2701 Vaughn St, Suite 700
	Portland, OR 97201, USA
	FAX: (503) 222-4520

If paying by credit card, you must FAX both pages of the SIGNED registration 
form to (503) 222-4520.  

Please note the following:

(1)	Students must include a copy of a current student ID with their payment
to claim discounts.
(2)	Full payment must accompany the  form, otherwise it will not be 
(3)	Checks or money orders for conference registration must be in U.S.funds,
and must be made payable to DMCC6.  Attendees transferring funds by wire must 
ensure that a copy of the bankerUs draft is sent with their registration form.
(4)	Applications  for advance registration postmarked after April 1, 1991 
will be processed at the higher rate of $275. Registration at the conference 
will be at the $300 rate. 


To cancel your pre-registration and claim a refund, written notice of 
cancellation must be received by DMCC6 before April 1, 1991.  Requests for 
refunds should be sent to DMCC6 Registration  at the address given above.


Students willing to trade a half-day's work at the conference for a free 
student registration should complete the Student Volunteer Form.  
(The Tutorials, Conference Banquet, and Proceedings ARE NOT included in this 
free registration, but may be purchased separately).

Volunteers are needed Sunday through Wednesday, April 28 through May 1.  
The number of volunteer positions available is limited and work times will be 
assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Volunteers will be accepted prior
to April 1,1991.

Student volunteers should complete the form below  and mail or FAX to:
	DMCC6 Registration
	Knudsen Associates, Inc. 
	2701 Vaughn St, Suite 700
	Portland, OR 97201, USA
	FAX: (503) 222-4520






Phone (_____)_______________________________

(Circle Day/Time)

1st Choice:	S	M	T	W	AM		PM

2nd Choice:	S	M	T	W	AM		PM

I will work at DMCC6 for 1/2 day in exchange for a free student conference 
registration. I certify that I am a full-time student at the institution 
indicated above.

Student ID #__________________________________