[comp.arch] Intel Touchstone Delta Info

jkubicky@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Joseph J. Kubicky) (06/02/91)

(I typed this article up to respond to a query on another mail system
I have an account on, but when I tried to post it, the thing choked,
so I guess I might as well put it here...)

Here's what I know about the Touchstone Delta.  I went to the dedication
the other day (a big deal - congressmen & other big-shots) and got a good
look at the thing.  It's impressive - here's some of the stuff off the
brochure they were passing out:

	- 520 numeric nodes w/i860's & 16MB each
	- 32 disk I/O nodes each w/one 1.4 GB disk (will double
	  each node disk space in July '91).  These nodes
	  are 8MB i386's.
	- 2 tape I/O nodes
	- 2 netword nodes (Ethernet) i386, 8MB each
	- 6 service nodes - i386, 8MB
	- 2 High Performance Parallel Interfaces (HIPPI),
	  each w/ i860 + 32MB mem

Peak speed:	31.7 gigaflops (64-bit), 42.2 GFLOPS (32-bit),
		17,000 MIPS
Total mem:	8.4 GB
On-line disk cap: 45 GB (increase to 90 GB in July)
External I/O:	HIPPI 800Mbit/sec (Oct. '91)
Architechture:	2-D 16x36 mesh
Internode comm latency:
		75-150 ns
Bandwidth:	25 Megabytes/sec
Sys dimensions:
		16ft long, 5 ft high, 3 ft deep
Cooling:	Air cooled (air blows up through machine from underneath)
Power:		under 25KW

I know a little bit more about the architecture, since I just finished
a course taught by the guy who specified it & designed the routing chips
(Chuck Seitz).  Basically, each node talks to a router chip and all the
routers talk to one another.  The inter-router communication is 
asynchronous, meaning that the routers use handshaking instead of clocks.
It also means that they run as fast as the technology allows - because
there are no clocks, the only limitation on the transfer rate between
nodes is the speed of the chips.  What they actually get is about 200Mbits
(or 25 Mbyte/s, as the sheet said).

We spent the last one and a half terms in class designing chips that 
operate in a computer designed with these routers.  Basically, what
Seitz would like to see is machines built entirely of 2-D meshes of
these routers - thus defining a common inter-chip communication
mechanism.  The actual routing circuitry is so small that it allows most
(>95%) of the area of the chip for other things such as microprocessors
and interface chips.  In the case of the Delta, they must have used
slightly different chips that bring the data wires outside to the i860
nodes (each node is on a roughly 8-by-10 inch board) - in the case
of the chips we were building, these data leads were left inside the
chip as that's where the processing stuff went.

There's a simple protocol associated with the mesh - basically you
adress the node you're sending your message to by an X & a Y offset.
The routers route all the way in one direction and then all the way
in the other (I'm not sure whether X or Y is first).  They built the
machine with an actual 36x16 grid of LEDs on the front and with big LED
bar segments in between, so it's real neat to look at (I imagine there's
a switch inside that kills the front panel or the operators will probably
go nuts).

Anyway, I talked to a guy from Intel about the i860.  You might have heard
that there are big problems with the memory bandwidth of this thing (if
you don't believe it, just take a look at the data book).  Anyway,
he assured me that the 80860 was just the FIRST in a new family of chips,
later versions of which would address these problems.  He wouldn't say,
however, whether or not these new chips would be drop-in replacements
for the old ones.  He also assured me that the Delta REALLY WAS getting
the kind of performance they said it was (he said they were actually
getting 30GFLOPS on some algorithms).  Hard to get any straight answers
out of him, though - he just kept saying "Stay tuned..."  (I wish I 
could've snagged one of those "Now the Fastest" buttons they were wearing,
though... or maybe a section of the "Touchstone Delta Dedication" ribbon
that they had sectioning off the rest of the computer room...)

Jay Kubicky