[comp.arch] CISC vs. RISC Code Sizes

wkk@cbnewsl.att.com (wesley.k.kaplow) (06/18/91)

Well, although I do not have data from one of the more popular CISC
machines, I do have data on the AT&T CRISP processor compared to the
MIPS R2000, R3000 processors. 

What I say here is for CODE SIZE only and says nothing about whether
the CRISP processor itself is a CISC or RISC processor.  CRISP does however
distinguish itself from most 'RISC' processor in that CRISP has three
instruction code sizes, 2, 6, and 10 bytes.  The MIPS processor has only
once size, 4 bytes.  Also, like a CISC processor, CRISP is not a load/store
machine in that is has a basically othagonal instruction-set in addressing

Several benchmarks where used to determine the static code size data.  These
include the following groups:

	1) Dhrystone
	2) Real Program (RP) - 9 Unix programs
		cat, comm, diff, echo, mv, nroff, pr, rm, wc
	3) BSC - 7 Benchmarks
		Ackermann's, Word Count, Quick Sort, TTY driver,
		Symbol Table Insert, Buffer Manipulation, Statistic

The compiler for the MIPS processors was the UMIPS-BSD 1.0 system.
This did contain an optimizing compiler, but not an optimizing linker.
The compiler for the CRISP was an internal research compiler.

		Benchmark	MIPS Code Size/CRISP Code Size
		   BSC			    1.83
		Dhrystone		    1.84
		   RP			    1.67

In more detail it was found that 70% of CRISP instruction were of the
2-byte form and the remaining 30% of the 6-byte form.  Therefore, the
average CRISP instruction size was 3-3.4 bytes/instructions while MIPS
is 4 bytes/instruction. 

As well as bytes/instruction average, we compared the static instruction
count as well.  In our study we found that:

		Extra Instructions % in MIPS = 44%.

By combining this static instruction increase with the larger bytes/instruction
number, we also come to approximately the same ~1.7x larger code size
for MIPS.

This work was done 4 years ago and therefore the MIPS compiler may have
improved.  Processors like the CRISP in terms of instruction encoding
(i.e., they have many shorter than 4-byte instruction codings) may also
show similar results,  since many 'CISC' processors usually have instructions
that have 2 or even 3 regiester-based instructions, and the MIPS 
instructions are always 4-byte regardless of the number of operands. 
Also, like a CISC processor CRISP has a basically 'orthagonal' instruction
set, unlike the general RISC load/store type architecture.
I think these results may be representative for architectural reasons.
Once again I remind everybody in NetLand, I am not presenting any claims
as to the performance characteristics of the processors above.

with disclamer;
use disclamer;

Wesley Kaplow
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Whippany, NJ

preston@asta.rice.edu (Preston Briggs) (06/18/91)

wkk@cbnewsl.att.com (wesley.k.kaplow) writes:

[yet another code size comparison]

>		Benchmark	MIPS Code Size/CRISP Code Size
>		----------------------------------------------
>		   BSC			    1.83
>		Dhrystone		    1.84
>		   RP			    1.67


>As well as bytes/instruction average, we compared the static instruction
>count as well.  In our study we found that:
>		Extra Instructions % in MIPS = 44%.

Again, we'd _really_ like to see instruction counts.
I know the MIPS compiler unrolls loops, at least sometimes.
This alone makes me doubt the validity of any static instruction counts.

An earlier poster noted that sometimes code size dominates all other
considerations.  In this case, we should consider an interpreter.
Forth is one example.  To an extent, CISC machines (with microcoded
implementations) are another.  Then there's table-driven scanners, parsers,
code generators, and so forth.  Choosing the right instruction set
can lead to tremendous space compression (orders of magnitude).

Preston Briggs

davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.COM (Wm E Davidsen Jr) (06/19/91)

In article <1991Jun18.152303.1889@rice.edu> preston@asta.rice.edu (Preston Briggs) writes:

| Again, we'd _really_ like to see instruction counts.
| I know the MIPS compiler unrolls loops, at least sometimes.
| This alone makes me doubt the validity of any static instruction counts.

  Speaking just for me the instruction counts are of minimal interest,
since my real concern is not how many instructions it generates, or how
high an instruction rate, but how many CPU sec it takes to run the
program. I have no doubt that my IPC has a higher instruction rate than
my 486, but when I start a program I don't care about anything but how
long it takes, and how much memory it uses. And while the code size of
one program is of little concern within the limits we've been
discussing, a 20% increase in stored program size makes a diference on
the fileserver. Say I have a total binary size (including X) of 2.5GB,
20% of that is about a reasonable news partition...

| An earlier poster noted that sometimes code size dominates all other
| considerations.  In this case, we should consider an interpreter.
| Forth is one example.  To an extent, CISC machines (with microcoded
| implementations) are another.  Then there's table-driven scanners, parsers,
| code generators, and so forth.  Choosing the right instruction set
| can lead to tremendous space compression (orders of magnitude).

  I'd like to see how you got that. Even if you had a CPU which used LZW
or Huffman code as opcodes, I don't think you see even one order of
magnitude. Note that this is hard to measure, since any object files
almost always contain data. Still, no compression method operating on
either RISC or CISC code will give anything like even one order of
magnitude, so I don't see that using an interpreted language will save
that much. If it will maybe you've hit on another data compression
bill davidsen	(davidsen@crdos1.crd.GE.COM -or- uunet!crdgw1!crdos1!davidsen)
  GE Corp R&D Center, Information Systems Operation, tech support group
  Moderator comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 386-users digest.

preston@asta.rice.edu (Preston Briggs) (06/19/91)

I wrote:

>| An earlier poster noted that sometimes code size dominates all other
>| considerations.  In this case, we should consider an interpreter.
>| Forth is one example.  To an extent, CISC machines (with microcoded
>| implementations) are another.  Then there's table-driven scanners, parsers,
>| code generators, and so forth.  Choosing the right instruction set
>| can lead to tremendous space compression (orders of magnitude).

and, davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.com (bill davidsen) writes:

>  I'd like to see how you got that. Even if you had a CPU which used LZW
>or Huffman code as opcodes, I don't think you see even one order of
>magnitude. Note that this is hard to measure, since any object files
>almost always contain data. Still, no compression method operating on
>either RISC or CISC code will give anything like even one order of
>magnitude, so I don't see that using an interpreted language will save
>that much. If it will maybe you've hit on another data compression

I'm perhaps thinking a little more indirectly than you.
It's nothing too radical...

A little APL 1-liner is a very compact representation
of what might take several K if compiled into lots of
(inlined) assembly.

We can build a table-driven LR parser, using various table compression
ideas (eliminate duplicate rows, ...) that's much smaller
(table+interpreter) than directly writing the parser in assembly.
Also much slower!

In the proceedings of the 86 symposium on compiler construction,
Pennello gives an example where they built a very fast LR parser
by trading space for time, effectively hard coding much of the
parse table.  The space cost was estimated at a factor of 4 if error
recovery was included.

The work on "super-combinators" is another example.

Then again, there's Forth.  They trade a factor of 10 (?) in time
to get a flexible threaded-code interpretation scheme that's very compact.

One of the micro-software companies is supposed to deliver
applications with 2 kinds of code: machine code, for time-sections,
and some sort of interpreted code (like P-code?), for the bulky,
non-critical parts of the code.  With such a scheme, they were able
to fit a lot more functionality into 640K (or whatever constaint
they faced).

So, people who've got very tight space constraints would do well
to consider using an interpreter of some sort.

Preston Briggs

martin@adpplz.UUCP (Martin Golding) (06/21/91)

In <3436@crdos1.crd.ge.COM> davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.COM (Wm E Davidsen Jr) writes:

>In article <1991Jun18.152303.1889@rice.edu> preston@asta.rice.edu (Preston Briggs) writes:

>|                                 Choosing the right instruction set
>| can lead to tremendous space compression (orders of magnitude).

>  I'd like to see how you got that. Even if you had a CPU which used LZW
>or Huffman code as opcodes, I don't think you see even one order of

The Pick operating system, it its original machine code, requires slightly
less than .5 Meg of memory. It expands 4 to 6 times on CISC machines, and 
8 to 12 times on RISC machines; ie: 1 order of magnitude. The instruction
set was designed simultaneously with the system, and is the most C of all
the ISs I've ever seen on a C. 

Details, of course, are proprietary.

>Note that this is hard to measure, since any object files
>almost always contain data. 

But not more than a percentage, so the one order of magnitude is plus
some insignificant amount (or even a significant amount, but certainly
not 2 orders of magnitude).

>Still, no compression method operating on
>either RISC or CISC code will give anything like even one order of
>magnitude, so I don't see that using an interpreted language will save
>that much. If it will maybe you've hit on another data compression

This isn't a process of data compression, it's a process of function
compression, ie, each instruction encodes a series of machine operations.
For a clear and RISC type example, take a look at your generated assembly
code, and estimate the resulting size increase if you removed address
calculation from all of the load/store instructions.

To make use of such an instruction set, you need either a high level
source language or you need a 'vectorizing' compiler, ie, one that
can infer a single high level operation out of a series of low level ones.
Or, you can write everything in assembler, which is sufficiently
productive if your machine language is of a much higher order than
the available high level language.

I'll always wonder whether the world would be substantially different,
if that original PDP11 had had the commercial instruction set.

Martin Golding    | sync, sync, sync, sank ... sunk:
Dod #0236         |  He who steals my code steals trash.
A poor old decrepit Pick programmer. Sympathize at:
{mcspdx,pdxgate}!adpplz!martin or martin@adpplz.uucp

davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.COM (Wm E Davidsen Jr) (06/21/91)

In article <825@adpplz.UUCP> martin@adpplz.UUCP (Martin Golding) writes:

| This isn't a process of data compression, it's a process of function
| compression, ie, each instruction encodes a series of machine operations.
| For a clear and RISC type example, take a look at your generated assembly
| code, and estimate the resulting size increase if you removed address
| calculation from all of the load/store instructions.

  No doubt the code would be tighter if you didn't calculate the
addresses, but it wouldn't *work* very well.

  One reason the Intel instruction set code is small is dedicated
registers. By making certain instructions always operate on certain
registers the opcode can be smaller. There's no doubt that a symettrical
instruction set will make compiler writing a lot easier, but that's not
the point here, in terms of code size the occasional mov added to get
something in the right place is usually less than the code saved by lots
of one byte instructions.

  Three CISC machines typify approaches to this: Intel has lots of
dedicated registers, Motorola has two classes of register (arith and
address), and the NS32k has totally general purpose registers. Since
each has a diferent number of registers I won't even try to draw any
conclusion from their code size, these are just nice examples for discussion.
bill davidsen	(davidsen@crdos1.crd.GE.COM -or- uunet!crdgw1!crdos1!davidsen)
  GE Corp R&D Center, Information Systems Operation, tech support group
  Moderator comp.binaries.ibm.pc and 386-users digest.
         "I admit I am predjudiced, I can't stand bigots." -me

przemek@rrdstrad.nist.gov (Przemek Klosowski) (06/21/91)

>>>>> On 21 Jun 91  davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.COM (Wm E Davidsen Jr) said:

Bill> In article <825@adpplz.UUCP> martin@adpplz.UUCP (Martin Golding) writes:

Martin> This isn't a process of data compression, it's a process of function
Martin> compression, ie, ea instruction encodes a series of machine operations.
Martin> For a [..] RISC type example, take a look at your generated assembly
Martin> code, and estimate the resulting size increase if you removed address
Martin> calculation from all of the load/store instructions.

Bill>   No doubt the code would be tighter if you didn't calculate the
Bill> addresses, but it wouldn't *work* very well.

But the point is that a (hypothetical) CISC instruction
	mov @(r0[r1])+, #somevalue
supposed to do
	int r1; char * r0[N]; 
	*(r0[r1])++ = SOMEVALUE;
is equivalent to the RISC sequence:
	add r2,r1,r0  ; to get &(r0[r1])
	load r3, (r2) ; fetch the address
	add  r3, 4    ; increment
	store r3,(r2) ; store post-increment address
	load r4, (r3) ; do indirection
	store #somevalue, (r4)

to give a contrived example. All the operations that are 'encoded' by
subsequent RISC instructions, are encoded compactly within the CISC
instruction word; the compactness comes thanks to the fact that only a
limited subset of all combinations of adds/loads (defined by available
addressing modes) is allowed. 

If your code used such addressing modes a lot, you would loose
terribly in the code density department. The nice thing is that both
RISC proponents and CISC manufactures agree that the very complicated
addressing modes do not get used much (vide the fate of the fancy
addressing modes in 68040). The orthogonal set of registers would make
programming RISC in assembly nice, if it wasn't for delay slots and
branch delays. Then of course, smart assemblers do it for you. Then
again, machines get faster almost more rapidly than you tune your
code, so by sitting back and waiting for the next model you might be
as productive as the guy next door hand-assembling his critical
routines :^).
			przemek klosowski (przemek@ndcvx.cc.nd.edu)
			Physics Department
			University of Notre Dame IN 46556