[mod.os] 2nd European SIGOPS Workshop "Making Distributed Systems Work"

sape@MCVAX.UUCP (Sape Mullender) (03/04/86)

			 Call for Participation

		  ``Making Distributed Systems Work''

		Sponsored by ACM SIGOPS and the Centre for
	         Mathematics & Computer Science, Amsterdam

			 September 8-10, 1986
			Amsterdam, Netherlands

Purpose of the workshop is to bring together people involved in design
and implementation of distributed operating systems, distributed
file systems and distributed applications.

Technical discussions will concentrate on design principles for
distributed systems and experience with distributed systems.
Topics of interest might be:

- interprocess communication mechanisms
- flexible accommodation of network hierarchies
- protection in distributed systems
- distributed file systems
- distributed naming
- load sharing
- replication and high availability

Attendance to the workshop will be limited to 50 people.
Those interested in participating in the workshop are invited to
submit a brief description (3 pages or less) of their current project.
These position papers will be used by the programme committee to
select the participants.
A summary of the workshop will be published in Operating Systems Review.

Send seven copies of your project summary to:

If you're in	Africa, Asia,		North or South America
		Australia, or Europe
Send to		Dr. Sape Mullender	Dr. Walter Tichy
		CWI			Carnegie Group Inc.
		Kruislaan 413		650 Commerce Court at Station Square
		1098 SJ Amsterdam	Pittsburg, Pa 15219
		Netherlands		U.S.A.

		+31 20 592 4139		+1 412 642 6900
		sape@mcvax.uucp		tichy@gandalf.cs.cmu.edu

Submission deadline: April 15, 1986

Acceptance Notification: May 31, 1986

Programme Committee:

David Clark (MIT, USA)
Andrew Herbert (ANSA project, UK)
Klaus-Peter Loehr (Freie Universitaet Berlin, Deutschland)
Sape Mullender (CWI, Nederland)
Najah Naffah (Bull Transac, France)
Liba Svobodova (IBM Zuerich, Schweiz)
Walter Tichy (Carnegie Group, USA)