[net.mail.headers] Correct header for \"%\" hack, Correct header for \"%\" hack

kevin@harvard.ARPA, kevin@harvard.ARPA (11/26/85)

I'm trying to write an SMTP server for our local
network and have a question about return addresses.

The machine that hosts the SMTP server is registered with the local
domain server, but not with the NIC, (a situation that is unlikely to
change in the near future due to some political problems here).
We can receive mail using the "%" hack, by sending it first to a local
machine that is registered with the NIC and which does the domain
trick and sends it on to us.

My question is, what should I put in the headers of our outgoing mail?
Currently I use person%localhost@arpahost in both the header and in
the SMTP dialogue (ie. I send MAIL FROM:<person%local@arpa>).  Is this
okay?  It seems to give slightly weird headers in the received mail; I
get both a From: line and a From_: line, the first of which lists the
arpa host twice (I think an example will be clearest:

    From :kevin%MIT-SLOAN.MIT.EDU@MIT-MC.ARPA@MIT-MC.ARPA Mon Nov 25 12:19:42 1985
    Received: from MIT-SLOAN.MIT.EDU by MIT-MC.ARPA 25 Nov 85 12:19:32 EST
    Received: from MITMS1-E52: by MIT-SLOAN.MIT.EDU; 25-Nov-85 12:19:32
    Message-Id: <531756324.262448728@MIT-SLOAN.MIT.EDU>
    To: kevin@harvard.ARPA
    Subject: This is a test
    Date: 25 Nov 85 12:18
    Status: R

    This is a brief example.


Any suggestions about the "right" thing to do will be greatly

Kevin Crowston
MIT Sloan School of Management
