PKARP@SRI-IU.ARPA (Peter Karp) (02/22/86)
I believe I have at least a good theoretical understanding of how to prevent mail loops. In the previous messages on this topic it hasn't been clear to me how one could theoretically prevent mail loops, or if this is even possible. I believe I do know how to do it in theory; if you all buy this argument then we can talk about the implementation later. I apologize if this is obvious to everyone; it wasn't obvious to me and on re-consideration of the messages I've seen it still doesn't appear obvious. Consider the following example. A message originates on Host-A, and is set to a mailing list called "LIST@Host-B". One element of LIST on Host-B is the address SUB-LIST-1@Host-C. An element of SUB-LIST-1 on Host-C is SUB-LIST-2@Host-B, from which it gets distributed to various individuals. Let us postulate that the original message was also set to "USER@Host-B", and that "USER@Host-B" is also a member of SUB-LIST-1. Thus, "USER@Host-B" should receive two copies of the message: one direct from Host-A, and one with return path: @Host-C,@Host-B:Originator@Host-A. Notice that the "same message" gets routed through Host-B several times, and that it would be incorrect for Host-B to think it has detected a loop simply based on the Message-ID created by the message originator (this has been pointed out before). Also note that the "same message" gets sent to the same recipient several times (USER@Host-B), and it would also be incorrect for Host-B to suppress the duplicate simply because it sees two messages with the same Message-ID going to the same recipient. Both of these conditions look like loops but are not. So, what's the solution? Consider an abstraction. Imagine that a mail message is simply a packet getting switched between the nodes of a network. Mail packets are special in that any one packet can be duplicated into several other packets at other nodes as mailing lists are expanded. These child packets then go their own way in the network. There are two strcutures of interest here. One is the path a given packet follows through the network. The other is the mailing-list-based packet-synthesis tree which shows how one initial message packet gets duplicated into a whole swarm of child packets which eventually get either dropped on the floor or land in someone's mailbox. A loop condition occurs when a packet P with the following properties has arrived at a network node: a) either that same packet or one of its ancestors in the packet- synthesis tree, P', has been to that node before. b) Packet P and packet P' were both addressed to the same recipient. How can a host detect a loop condition? Simple: when it relays a packet it puts a mark on that packet which it will recognize if that packet or any of its descendants ever arrives at that host again. It also must record what recipients the packet was destined for, and check all incoming packets to determine if it has seen them or an ancestor of theirs before, addressed to the same recipient(s). So again, if this looks right we can start worrying about implementation. Peter -------
stef@uci-icsa.ARPA (Einar Stefferud) (02/23/86)
Long ago in a discussion group not too far away, we discussed one aspect of this "distribution" problem that I think is relevant in this current looping discussion. The original topic was failure return addresses, and hinged on the question of what is legit for a distributor to do to a message it is distributing to a list. Can it ethically and morally change the From: Sender: Reply-to: or Return-Path: fields to divert mail the might result from downstream events like failure, or reply, or whatever. Also, is it a violation of the sanctity of the seal for a LIST DISTRIBUTOR to look inside the header in the first place. As I recall the discussion, it was concluded that a LIST DISTRIBUTOR is in fact operating as a "USER AGENT" and not as a "MAIL TRANSFER AGENT" so it is fine for the list distributor to do anything its administrator wants it to do to the content of any distributed item. If there is any kind of contract between the administrator and the subscribers, it is that agreement that governs the administrator's actions. With this in mind, it seems simple enough to me for any LIST DISTRIBUTOR to put a special header field (like DIST-ID: <unique-id>) which is can look for in any incoming item. If it sees such a thing it should shunt it aside for manual inspection, and this will prevent loops through that LIST DISTRIBUTOR, as long as no intervening transfer agants or user agents or LIST DISTRIBUTORS, et al, remove or change the magic <unique-id> in any DIST-ID: fields. This does not take care of other kinds of loops, but it would simply take care of LIST DISTRIBUTOR LOOPS. For those of you who are wondering what was decided about the earlier failure return question, we simply decided to have the list distributor insert a new "RETURN-PATH: list-request@host" field in place of the original RETURN-PATH field, without deciding what to do with the old one. ---- Stef
netinfo%ucbjade@ucb-vax.ARPA (Postmaster + BITINFO) (02/26/86)
Handling of mailing list error messages (Reply-to, Errors-to, etc) was discussed at length in this mailing list group about a year or two ago. The final conclusion was that "mailing list exploders" should generate a new message (ie. with a new Message-ID). (The "Errors-to" header was also disapproved if I remember rightly.) In reply to: Date: Fri 21 Feb 86 11:47:35-PST From: Peter Karp <> Subject: Mail looping To: Cc: Message-Id: <VAX-MM(174)+TOPSLIB(114)+PONY(0) 21-Feb-86 11:47:35.SRI-IU.ARPA> ... Thus, "USER@Host-B" should receive two copies of the message: one direct from Host-A, and one with return path: @Host-C,@Host-B:Originator@Host-A. The first message would have the original Message-ID and the new message would have a new Message-ID generated by the exploder. Notice that the "same message" gets routed through Host-B several times, and that it would be incorrect for Host-B to think it has detected a loop simply based on the Message-ID created by the message originator (this has been pointed out before). Also note that the "same message" gets sent to the same recipient several times (USER@Host-B), and it would also be incorrect for Host-B to suppress the duplicate simply because it sees two messages with the same Message-ID going to the same recipient. Both of these conditions look like loops but are not. To avoid this problem, I suggest that each SUB-LIST exploder also replace the Message-ID with a new Message-ID. (ie. Mailing list exploders at any level should generate a new message.) The mail exploder should also change the envelope and/or mail heading so that error messages are returned to that exploder's administrator. (ie. to the lowest level exploder). There is a basic assumption about mailing lists that may be wrong. Can we assume that list mail goes from the root to all branches without going through the same node twice? Bill Wells netinfo%ucbjade@Berkeley.EDU
MRC%PANDA@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Mark Crispin) (02/26/86)
Bill Wells - You cannot assume that list mail goes from the root to all branches without going through the same node twice. This is especially true with mailers which do not differentiate between "mail exploders", "mail aliases", and "mail forwardings". Add to this swamp the large numbers of individuals who regularly use multiple hosts (I have two primary, two secondary, and dozens of tertiary Internet hosts in addition to my DEC-20 at home) and who have "classed mailboxes" and forwardings all over the place and it isn't hard to see how you can lose big. I'd argue that if you really care about loop abatement you will use what SMTP provides to help you out from this -- the EXPN command. That is, the sender fully resolves the destination list. It isn't hard to detect loops when you do this. -------
pallas@su-pescadero.ARPA (Joseph I. Pallas) (02/27/86)
Mark, you of all people should know just how futile it would be to attempt to resolve the entire destination list of a message using EXPN. Aside from the fact that some of the destinations may go outside of SMTP, there's no guarantee that EXPN will return meaningful information. Several implementations don't support it, and most that do don't deal correctly with naming-domain boundary crossings (including yours). joe
GUMBY@mit-mc.ARPA (David Vinayak Wallace) (02/27/86)
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 86 21:41:33 pst From: netinfo%ucbjade at BERKELEY.EDU (Postmaster + BITINFO) The final conclusion was that "mailing list exploders" should generate a new message (ie. with a new Message-ID). (The "Errors-to" header was also disapproved if I remember rightly.) ...I suggest that each SUB-LIST exploder also replace the Message-ID with a new Message-ID. (ie. Mailing list exploders at any level should generate a new message.) What if I accidentally get two compies of a message? If they've come through different forwarders there'll be no way for my mail reader do detect this condition and delete excess copies.
netinfo%ucbjade@ucb-vax.ARPA (Postmaster + BITINFO) (02/27/86)
In reply to: Date: Wed 26 Feb 86 00:12:44-PST From: Mark Crispin <> Subject: Re: Mail looping Message-Id: <12186377826.8.MRC@PANDA> I'd argue that if you really care about loop abatement you will use what SMTP provides to help you out from this -- the EXPN command. That is, the sender fully resolves the destination list. It isn't hard to detect loops when you do this. ------- Unfortunately, mail lists are not limited to the SMTP/RFC822 mail world. So this is only a partial solution. I suspect there is not one fail-safe method and that a varies of methods will be needed to used to reduce looping. One alternative that is less subject to looping is the USENET news distribution system. It is available for Unix systems and shortly will be available for IBM CMS systems. I would prefer to see large mailing lists converted to news groups. It is much nicer to see one message going between news/conference systems than to see several duplications of the same message resulting from mail list explosion being transmitted. I suggest that the USENET article/batch formats be adopted as a standard method of transporting collective address messages between news and conferencing systems. Bill Wells netinfo%ucbjade@Berkeley.EDU