[net.mail.headers] REPEAT C Call for Papers WG 6.5

stef@nrtc-gremlin.arpa (Einar Stefferud) (09/03/86)

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Subject: Call for Papers WG 6.5
From: Peter Schicker <schicker%ean.cs.nott.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.UK>
To: Hugh Smith <hugh%computer-science.nottingham.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.UK>, 
    Einar Stefferud <stef@brl.ARPA>
Cc: Rolf Speth <Rolf_Speth_QZ%com.york.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.UK>
Date: 13 Jun 86 7:55 -0100 BST

Hugh and Stef

Could you post the following call for papers on the US and European nets,

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	  IFIP WG 6.5 International Working Conference on

	      (State of the Art and Future Directions)

			 27 to 29 April 1987
			Fed. Rep. of Germany

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The purpose of the conference is to provide an international forum for the
exchange of information on the technical, economic, social, and political
impacts of computer message and office systems. The conference format will
be two days of conference paper presentations followed by one day of work-

Papers are desired in the following topic areas:

MHS Interconnection and Interworking
  Interconnection of X.400 Systems (Private and public)
  Gateways to X.400 Systems
  X.400 Shell to non-X.400 Systems
  Interworking between X.400 and the Postal System
  Interworking with other Architectures (e.g., DIA/DCA, All-In-1, etc.)
  Multi-Vendor Private Message Systems

Documents and Messages
  Document and Message Architectures
  Multimedia Documents and Messages
  Graphics (GKS) vs. Facsimile
  Communication of Business Forms and Trade Documents

Directory Services
  Naming and Addressing
  Public Directory Systems
  Interworking between Public and Private Directory Systems

New Access Protocols
  Mailbox Services
  Extensions to X.400 Series Recommendations

Message Management
  Personal Message Management
  Message and Document Filing and Retrieval

Group Communication
  Distribution Lists
  Organization of Message Flow
  Real-Time Conferencing
  Models for Group Communication

Workstations and User Interface
  Workstation and Cluster Design
  Backup and Archiving
  User Interface Issues
  Message Editing

Security Aspects

Impacts of MHS
  Social and Behavioral Impacts
  Impacts on Organizations
  Impacts on Nations
  Inpacts on Relieving Impairment

Policy Issues
  Public Policy Issues in MHS
  Transborder Data Flow
  Legal Status of MHS
  Privacy and Confidentiality

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Instructions to Authors:

Prospective Authors are invited to submit for review unpublished original
contributions (not exceeding 5000 words) which describe recent developments
on any design or service aspect of computer message systems.

Accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings published by
North-Holland Publishing Company.


Today               Send a postcard with your name, telephone, and EMail
                    address to:
                       Message Systems '87
                       Mrs. Stenzel
                       Siemens AG
                       Otto Hahn Ring 6
                       D-8000 Munich 83
                       Fed. Rep. of Germany
                    This will ensure that you will receive further information
                    about the conference. Please indicate also the provisio-
                    nal title if you intend to submit a paper.
Sept. 30, 1986      Draft versions of papers required
Nov. 30, 1986       Notification of acceptance
Jan. 31, 1987       Camera-ready papers required

Papers should be submitted to:

Peter Schicker
Zellweger Telecommunications AG
CH-8634 Hombrechtikon

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