[net.mail.headers] telnetting to port 25

richl@penguin.uss.tek.com (Rick Lindsley) (09/30/86)

Has anybody thought of a good solution to this problem? One that I once
implemented was to make smtp use a root port to send mail. Then if I
telnet to 25, then, I can chat with a help command, or maybe vrfy an
address, but as soon as I do mail from: I'll get an error.

In our particular case, we had mixed mailers (not all used root ports)
so I couldn't just refuse the message. What I did, though, was tack on
a line:

Comments: Message received over unauthenticated port.

Unfortunately, the users howled that this *looked* bad, and made our
company *look* bad. Apparently they'd rather have the hole present then
"look bad", so when we converted to sendmail the "feature" of
being able to telnet a forged message returned.

Does anybody else see this as a solution, or if not a solution then
perhaps a step towards one? I also think verification of a sitename on
a helo command would be nice, to catch obvious liars. (Yes I once
implemented that too, and caught flak for that too!)
