[net.aviation] Failed altimieters

matejcek@parvax.DEC (04/11/85)

>I beg your pardon, loss of altimeter should also mean loss of Mode C altitude
>information (where else does the X-ponder get it's information from?).
>Stephen C. Woods (VA Wadsworth Med Ctr./UCLA Dept. of Neurology)
>uucp:	{ {ihnp4, uiucdcs}!bradley, hao, trwrb}!cepu!scw
>ARPA: cepu!scw@ucla-cs location: N 34 3' 9.1" W 118 27' 4.3"

*** LOTS *** of planes -- sepecially thoses use for serious IFR -- are
equipped either with two altimeters or a 'blind' encoding altimeter,
fully separate from the primary altimeter.