[net.aviation] beautiful birds

sutter@osu-eddie.UUCP (05/31/85)

From: sutter (Bob Sutterfield)

Nothing in the air (or anywhere else) can match the beauty of the Libelles,
especially the H-301.  This is a family of glass sailplanes that has passed
out of real competitivity (is that a word?) with the continuing onward march
of technology in carbon spars, etc. for 15-meter and Standard class ships.
Still, the graceful curve of her belly...  wow, I get tingly just thinking
about her.
Human:	   Bob Sutterfield
	   Facilities Management Division
	   The Ohio State University Instruction & Research Computer Center
Workplace: Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, Computer Management Group
Mail:	   ...cbosgd!osu-eddie!sutter.UUCP
  or:	   ...cbosgd!osu-eddie!osu-20!sutterfield-r.UUCP
  or:	   sutter@ohio-state.CSNET
  or:	   sutterfield-r%osu-20@ohio-state.CSNET
MaBell:	   (614) 422 - 9034