dbp@dataio.Dataio.UUCP (Dave Pellerin) (09/20/85)
The 172 manual recommends against slips with flaps; the 150 says nothing about it. My experience in both is that there really isn't a problem, but frankly I don't see any reason for doing it. If you are that high and short on final you have really screwed up! If you are high with full flaps and have a comfortable distance to go, just point the nose at the ground and build some airspeed; the L/D of a dirty 150/172 goes down drastically as you increase speed, and the excess speed can be reduced very quickly for the same reason. My major complaint with slips on final is that there is a considerable trim change that occurs; the nose must be forcibly help down to keep that darn buzzer from qoing off! Flame on, airspeed fanatics!! - Dave Pellerin