[net.aviation] Fly-O Bio

good@pixar (Craig Good: Pixar Cineaste Division) (02/04/86)

(Apologies if this is a repeat.  I'm quite sure my first attempt was spooled
to /dev/null)

	Now that I'm allowed to post to the net, I'll chip in my $0.02.  I've
really enjoyed reading the other short bios here on net.aviation.

	My name is Craig Good, I've been flying for real since October of
1984 and I've logged just over 140 hours so far.  Within another ten-ish
hours I plan to take my IFR check ride.  The written comes up next weekend
(Aviation Seminars Weekend Headbuster -- I'll let you know how it goes if
you care).  My training was all in a wonderful and friendly Piper Warrior
operating out of a little field called Smith Ranch.  Always beware of an
airport with the word "Ranch" in its name.

	Memorable flights include the primary training flight to South Lake
Tahoe where I learned about "moderate" turbulence.  I've also experienced
the rush that comes from flying around blind inside a cloud for several
minutes and then seeing those big, beautiful approach lights appear *right
where they belong*!  I mean, they were in front of the plane and everything!

	Also, I recently logged 9 hours in 3 days just taking co-workers up
to watch the migration of the Grey Whales off Pt. Reyes.  (That's just north
of the Golden Gate Bridge and almost due West from my airport for you
Easterners.)  I never let the plane get to where I couldn't *easily* glide
back to the beach, but we were able to get down to around 1500 feet and look
right down through the water at them.  Talk about the ultimate bathtub toy!
When a whale decides to make a splash he moves an industrial quantity of
sea water.

	Scariest flight?  The last minute of one flight where I made the
classic mistake of taking out the crosswind correction after touching the
runway.  My passengers thought that the excursion onto the grass was a
normal part of the airport tour until I told them differently.  I scared
myself real good on that one.  I make lots of other mistakes now, but by
golly I'm on the center line!

	Dare I mention that I'm the "Mr. X" who wrote the first version of
that nav program?  It has been so lovingly improved by talented people that
perhaps I shouldn't have said anything.  Anyway, now you know why Smith Ranch,
a private airport, was in the database.
