[gripes] is this a flame?

andy (07/13/82)

it a shame that my gripes are relegated to the silly-bantering category,
but if that is your interpretation, henry, so be it. 

i would like to point out, though, that it is not ME that goofed--it is
the MACRO package. in the case of .KE/.EK, i won't argue because you,
henry, have already decided what is best for us users. but this is not
the only bug. dotfill, especially with a page offset, .PG/.P1 and .TA
in certain combinations, titling and footer traps are just a few of
the other bugs that must be worked around. and waiting a day or more
for a diagnosis on the file in question doesn't help when one needs
the final copy immediately. we are forced to kludge in order to get
that final copy when we need it.

regarding the length of time the macros have been misbehaving, i believe
that you, henry, were responsible for them before you assumed your
present position. we all have long to-do lists, so you won't find any
sympathy from me there. in short, i repeat that the last two years
saw practically no improvement in the macro package.

yes, i agree that perhaps this gripe is better done via mail, but since
practically no one will read it anyway (the lack of documentation for
news and other things has almost guaranteed that) it makes little
difference. besides, at least the news program (which appears to be
the focal point of our system) can be used for more than just spreading
information on wines, games, jokes, cars, etc. (yes, i know there are
some useful, work-related groups too--i am not opening that can of
worms. although the thought has occured as to why i never saw any mention
of bugs or bug fixes for format or the macro package anywhere there.)

i am not judging the sanders on the basis of hearsay, and definitely
not on its specifications. i am commenting on the actual output of the
machine. dot matrix will always be dot matrix, no matter how many times
you overprint. i don't consider what i have seen as "letter-quality",
not by a long shot. it might come close in what appears to be boldface,
but i am sure not going to print my whole file in boldface. the sanders
is a loser for my purposes--close, but no cigar.

i am sad to hear that we will probably have NO printer for final copy at
all. the diablo (which isn't even from computer systems) is bordering on
unacceptable, the multiwriter is just plain junk, the sanders is not
acceptable (unless it can print in 40-50 point. we can then reduce
the final copy photographically to 12 point--it might be usable then,
but thats a hell of a lot of time and work for something that can be
produced better and faster on a less expensive machine), and lastly we
have the olivetti that hopefully (what does that mean?) won't have to
go into production. i may be simple-minded, but i think i am right
in concluding we will shortly be back to typewriters because all the
equipment we have for text processing will lack one apparently
unimportant piece of hardware: a good letter-quality printer. (oh,
by the way, i saw what the olivetti can do and if, unfortuneatly [now
he's got me doing it] it is put into production, it cannot compare
to a properly-running diablo.)

maybe i am "shouting from the housetops" and maybe i am venting my
frustrations inappropriately. but i am annoyed by the inadequacies
of this system and the explanations, rather than solutions, for the
problems we have. yes, the system does provide service. but i equate
satisfactory or useable service with mediocrity. and i think we
should strive towards excellence and superior service instead.

i meet the news of a new macro package with mixed emotions. i am glad
because it MIGHT be better and less bug-ridden than the present one.
but your reference to the user interface means, to me, unnecessary
change and upheaval. unless this new package comes from bell labs
AND uses the same (or at least very similar) names for the macros,
i for one will not use it. i have no more patience for "better" or
new utilities that i must learn by trial and error (due to lack of
or incomprehensible nature of documentation--i am the average guy
on the street, not a computer or hack; give me simple, concise
documentation written in everyday english).

you ask for suggestions, henry, well here are a few: cannot format
check for .KE/.EK problems BEFORE formatting the file (like tbl does,
aborting if things are screwy)? even though it is "hard", could not
dotfill be made to set the page offset to "normal", and not +05?
could format be fixed so pagination is correct when more than one
file is formatted?

i guess the above are merely more problems and not really suggestions.
the only suggestion i have is that you don't ask for volunteers to tackle
jobs that even YOU cannot do. (and he calls me silly.....)