henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (11/23/83)
We are now running on drive B (same as before) on a Terabit loaner pack. Several heads on B were replaced and our UNIXA4 pack is being bundled off for refurbishing. We did a pack-to-pack copy; drive A behaved itself long enough for that. (We might try running on A at some point -- it seems to be ok at the moment -- but we didn't dare just now, given that we're still suspicious of the drive and we DON'T want to restore a whole pack from magtape.) Drive B has been realigned and PMed. As an experiment, we are running temporarily with the SMC driver's patience set to 0 to see what the error rate is like. This change has not yet been propagated into /etc/rc, so the system still comes up in a "safe" state (patience 1). -- Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry