henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (02/14/84)
Shutdown(1) and /etc/rc have been modified to cooperate in shortening the reboot sequence after a clean shutdown. Shutdown(1) tries to unmount the file systems; if it succeeds, it creates /clean.shutdown . /etc/rc looks for /clean.shutdown; if it's there, /etc/rc bypasses most of the filesystem checks. The result is that a reboot after a clean shutdown takes only a minute or so. The unmount stuff really ought to be in init(8) or one of its auxiliaries. Quite apart from considerations of asymmetry, shutdown's unmount attempts occur before the final kill-everything operation undertaken by init, with the result that stubborn background processes may prevent unmounts. In such a case, the shutdown really is clean but doesn't look that way to shutdown (and hence to /etc/rc). The problem is that it's not entirely trivial to fit init with a shutdown counterpart of /etc/rc, because init's internal structure isn't right. I studied this briefly and decided not to pursue it just now; I'll have another try if problems arise. -- Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry