henry@utzoo.UUCP (Henry Spencer) (04/13/84)
There is a high probability that we are about to lose our Software Technician, Heather Trueman, to a full-time job elsewhere. We're going to want a replacement. We are open to suggestions. I have no idea what the official job title is, but "Software Technician" is what we've been calling it. It is part-time work, officially half- time at the moment. It will not become a full-time position, nor is it officially guaranteed to last forever (although we do not anticipate it disappearing any time soon). The pay is not great, but it's enough to be useful; it's currently a bit over $600 a month. The hours are fairly open, except for backups: 2-3 days a week at suppertime, plus an occasional longer one Friday night. There is some flexibility in this, but not very much, and punctuality is essential. Supervision is fairly loose; neither David nor I has the time or the inclination to be constantly looking over the technician's shoulder. We need someone who can work independently in a reasonably organized way, even on fairly tedious jobs. THIS IS NOT A PROGRAMMING JOB. It is very much a "technician" sort of job, doing non-trivial but fairly unchallenging work. It includes doing backups, helping customers, helping staff, and generally being a "gofer", doing most any chores that don't require programming expertise. Some of the work is tedious. There is ample opportunity for learning about Unix and how it works -- Heather is leaving to become, essentially, a Unix system administrator -- but this is not a large part of the job. Intelligence, interest, and enthusiasm are much more important than previous experience or background. We have little faith in U of T's formal Personnel procedures; this is an informal inquiry at the moment. -- Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology {allegra,ihnp4,linus,decvax}!utzoo!henry