arms-d@ucbvax.ARPA (05/25/85)
From: The Arms-D Moderator (Harold Ancell) <ARMS-D@MIT-MC.ARPA> Arms-Discussion Digest Volume 3 : Issue 40 Today's Topics: ERWs Real People ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 May 85 03:23:12 EST From: Herb Lin <LIN@MIT-MC> Subject: ERWs From: Jeff Miller AMSTE-TOI 4675 <jmiller at apg-1> Someone recently tried to argue that the ERW's effectiveness against WP [Warsaw Pact - Mod.] armor could be easily defeated by the attackers by spreading their armor formations out. Scott Renner's reply that such dispersion would be exactly what the NATO commanders would wish for was right on target. What I've learned about Soviet armor doctrine calls for them to spread their armor by about 1/3 more, from about 75 meters to 100 meters. That's a far cry from the half-mile spacings that I recall someone mentioning. The WP's best chances rest with the principle of mass. When massed, their numbers and willingness to accept horrible casualty rates can overcome NATO AT defenses. Splintered, they are severely disadvantaged by superior Western ATGWs. I agree with the splintering claim. However, it seemes that a massed formation offers a target-rich environment, in which conventional anti-tank weapons (multiple rocket launchers or even unguided artillery) would have much higher P(k)'s than in the splintered case. Moreover, a massed formation would me much more vulnerable to anti-tank concepts like Assault Breaker, since the main problem that the new concepts have is that of target acquisition. Surely a nuclear weapon is more efficient, but it carries with it a host of other problems that conventional weapons don't have. ...westerners convinced themselves that a weapon which destroyed people but left property alone (how capitalist!) was somehow more evil than existing nuclear weapons. No argument here from me; this was one of the more asinine statements that came out of the debate. It is literally true, but the people were tank crews and the property was Soviet tanks. ... Personally, I believe the use of the weapon would trigger a violent NBC retaliation by a frustrated enemy. If you believe this, then I guess I don't understand your support for ERW (or have I improperly inferred that you support it?). I agree, and it is consistent with Soviet doctrine as well. By the way, I distinctly remember an article on helicopter-helicopter warfare in a back issue of IDR; I was surprised at the time, because it pointed out that no one seemed to be thinking about it. It was mostly hardware though. Also, in a recent DEFENCE journal (9/84), there is a short squib on some h-h stuff. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 May 85 08:51:10 PDT From: Richard Foy <foy@AEROSPACE.ARPA> Subject: Real People It seems to me that when we bring up the subject of real people we should also think about the real people who are unjustly harmed in our own country at least as much as we think about the people in other countries. ------------------------------ [End of ARMS-D Digest]