[net.games.emp] New famine checker.

mp (05/19/82)

#! /bin/sh
: shell script that if run on a census report will print
: the census report with
: 1 the total population in that sector
: 2 the minimum amount of food for that sector for a day
: 3 an asterisk at the end of the line if that sector is too low
: 4 a < at the end of the line if sector not self-sustaining in food
:  based on duke!decvax!ucbvax!ucsfcgl!sdcarl!rusty Thu May 13 18:39:30 1982
: M. Pique version 2. Handles checkpointed and defended sectors.
:  Defaults to reading file 'census' in current directory

if test $# -lt 1
	if test -r census
	exec $0 census
	echo "usage: $0 census1 census2 ..."
	exit 1

for file
	awk ' / sect / { print $0 " pop minf warn" ;next }
	NF>11{  # non-header non-trailer lines:
		cfield= NF-6 # field giving number of civilians
		civ = $(cfield)
		mil = $(cfield+1)
		food = $(cfield+2)
		fert = $(cfield+5)
		pop = civ + mil
		minf = pop * 0.048
		if ( minf < 1 )
			minf = 1
		if ( food < minf ) warn = "*"
		else warn = " "
		if( mil > 1.66 * civ || pop > 2*fert ) alert = "<"
		else alert = " "
		printf "%s %3d %4.0f %s%s\n", $0, pop, minf, warn, alert
	{ print $0;next }
	END { print "  * -- low food reserves     < -- not self-sustaining"}
	  ' $file