G:wing (08/04/82)
This is the inaugural message for a new newsgroup, net.games.pbm. It is being broadcast to all of the net.games groups as an introduction to this news group. Just yesterday, I saw something that would be something for this group, an announcement for a pbm game. And here's what this group is all about: net.games.pbm is created for discussions on games run by ANY mailing system. Announcements would be available here if posted about games people are willing to run games on the net. Perhaps even some of the net.games.emp stuff, about a mysterious (at least in Berkeley) PBM game. Anything at all dealing with games played on some mail system can be posted here. PBM Updates, copied and edited from The Space Gamer without permission at this time, will appear here. News items of a similar nature should be posted with something in parenthesis indicating what game the posting is about. net.games.pbm does have its own fire control, so that flames about PBM stuff can be posted here. May this newsgroup Live Long And Prosper. Note: Addresses of PBM companies mention in PBM Updates will be made available soon to net.games.pbm readers (like tomorrow). These address AND telephone number (at least of some of the companies) will be seen only on net.games.pbm.