[net.games.emp] highway robbery

rwg (08/07/82)

Scenario: You know the location of two adjacent highway sectors in
another country. Neither is checkpointed.
o	move all the people from one sector to the other;
o	move them back;
o 	the programs responds "sector *mumble* is now yours."

Bogus, bogus, bogus. If not a bug, then very illogical rules.

You can move things from ANY non-checkpointed highway in the world. It
need not be adjacent to your land.  Using this, I was able to take some
sectors from inside another country. Since I do not consider this a fair
method of aquisition,  I'll grant them back (once I've sold the resources).

Does the default highway state of non-checkpointing do anything other
than catch us beginners unawares?