[net.games.emp] Just what is it, anyway??

jdi (04/03/83)

	NOVICE ALERT!!!!!!      NOVICE ALERT!!!!!!     NOVICE ALERT!!!!!!

	Well, as a relative newcomer to the net (1 month) I can now say that
I am totally confused regarding the game of "empire."  I've read news about
empire, read more news about empire, and read more news about empire.  Yet
I can confidently state that I still know nothing about the game, although
it appears to be almost as popular as "rogue."

	Therefore, could someone PLEASE tell me WHAT THE THING IS??!! And
what OS is runs on, and is it available, and......................

	Sorry if this article seems amazingly naive, but I HAVE GOT TO FIND 

   Ps:  Please direct all flames to /dev/null, as I have plently of mail as
	it is.

			Thanks in advance,

				John D. Irwin
				Pennsylvania State University

hlg (04/06/83)



                             THE WARGAME OF THE CENTURY
                                     Version 4.0

       EMPIRE is a simulation of a full-scale  war  between  two  emperors,
     the computer and you. Naturally, there is only room for  one,  so  the
     object of the game is to destroy the other. The computer plays by  the
     same rules that you do.

        The map is a rectangle 600*1000 miles on a side. The resolution is
     10, so  the  map  you  see  is  60*100.  The map consists of sea='.',
     land='+', Uncontrolled  cities='*',  Computer-controlled  cities='X',
     and Your dominated cities='O'.   Each emperor gets 1 move  per  round
     (1 round=1 day), moves are done sequentially.

       The map is displayed on the player's screen during movement. Each
     piece is  represented  by  a unique character on the  map.   With  a
     few exceptions, you can only have ONE piece on a given location.  On
     the map, you are shown only  the  8  squares  adjacent to your units.
     This information is updated before and after every  move.   The  map
     displays the most recent  information known.

       The game starts by assigning you one city and the computer one city.
     Cities can produce new units.  Every city that you own produces more
     pieces for you according to the cost of the desired unit.  The typical
     play of the game  is  to  issue  the  Automove command until you decide
     to do something special.  During movement in each round, the player is
     prompted to move each piece that does not otherwise have an assigned

       Map coordinates are 4-digit numbers. The first two digits are the row,
     the second two digits are the column.

      The pieces are as follows:

     Piece            Yours Enemy   Moves   Hits    Cost    Maximum Number

     ARMY             A     1       1       1        5(6)   500
     FIGHTER          F     2       4       1       10(12)  200
     DESTROYER        D     3       2       3       20(24)  200
     SUBMARINE        S     4       2       2       25(30)  200
     TROOP TRANSPORT  T     5       2       3       30(36)  100
     CRUISER          R     6       2       8       50(60)  100
     AIRCRAFT CARRIER C     7       2       8       60(72)  100
     BATTLESHIP       B     8       2       12      75(90)  100

      The second column shows the map representation for your units.
      The third shows the representations of enemy units.
      Moves is the number of squares that unit can move in a single round.
      Hits is the amount of damage a unit can take before it is destroyed.
      Cost is the number of rounds needed to produce another of the same unit.
      The number in parenthesis is the start up cost to produce the unit.
      The last column is the maximum number of that unit that you can have.


     Army:  Armies move only on land.  ONLY ARMIES  CAN  CAPTURE  CITIES.   They
               have  a  50% probability of doing so.  Attacking one's own cities
               results in the army's destruction.   Armies  can  be  carried  by
               troop  transports.   Just move the army on the transport and when
               the transport moves the army moves with it.   You  cannot  attack
               any  ships while on board a transport.  YOU CANNOT MOVE BACK ON A
               CITY WITH AN ARMY.  This is true EVEN  IF  YOU  ARE  ON  A  TROOP

     Fighter:  Fighters move over sea or land.  They move  4  times  per  round.
               They  are  refueled  at controlled cities and carriers.  They are
               shot down over uncontrolled cities.  They have a max range of  20

     Ships, general:  All ships can move only on the sea.  They move  two  times
               per  round.   Ships  can  also dock in a controlled city.  Docked
               ships have damage repaired at rate of 1 hit per day.  If  a  ship
               is hit badly, it will slow to 1 move per round.

     Destroyer:  Typical ship, quickest to produce.

     Submarine:  When a submarine scores a hit, 3 hits are  exacted  instead  of
               the  usual  1  from the enemy unit.  This is the only unit having
               this property.

     Troop Transport:  Troop Transports  are  the  only  units  that  can  carry
               armies.   They  can  carry  a  maximum of 2 * (the number of hits
               left) of armies.  Armies will drown that cannot be carried.

     Cruisers:  Typical ship.

     Aircraft Carriers:  Carriers are the only ships that  can  carry  fighters.
               Carriers carry a maximum of the number of hits left of fighters.

     Battleship:  Typical ship.


       Other than just moving your pieces you  can  assign  them  the  following
     automatic functions:

     awake:  cancel current automatic function and return to manual moves.

     sentry:   stay put, do not ask the player to move the piece, wake up  if  an
               enemy piece comes within sensor range.

     direction:  move in specified direction, wake up if an enemy  piece,  enemy
               city, or unoccupied city is encountered.  Temporary wake up if an
               obstacle is in path of movement, after getting a manual move from
               you,  THE  UNIT  IS  STILL  ASSIGNED  A  DIRECTION.   A direction
               assignment is represented by the key which  sets  that  direction
               (e.g.:  D means east).

     move:  move towards location assigned to the piece (in editing mode).  Wake
               up  if  enemy  piece  is  encountered.   Wake  up  temporarily if
               obstacle is in path of movement.  Represented by  the  coordinate
               the piece is moving toward.

     fill:  (troop transports and aircraft carriers  only)  go  on  sentry  duty
               until  full  of  armies or fighters.  Be careful not to overfill.
               Excess pieces will be drowned next round.

     random:  (for  armies  only)  move  at  random  subject  to  the  following
               conditions:   If an uncontrolled city is adjacent, attack it.  If
               an enemy unit is adjacent, attack it (even if it is a ship).   If
               an  unfilled  troop transport of yours is adjacent, get on it and
               wake up.  Move if possible without  attacking  any  of  your  own
               units.   It  will  not  destroy  itself  unless  it  is in a city
               surrounded by your units.

     3.0   ORDERS MODE

     The top level prompt is: Your Orders?

     This is asked between each round (if you are not in Auto move mode).
     The following commands are valid at this time:

      A:  Auto move.  Begin movement, stay there until "O" in move mode  cancels
          the auto move.

      C:  Give the computer a free move.

      H:  Display the Help screen.  Contains a  brief  description  of  all  the

      J:  Puts you into Editing Mode (explained later), where  you  can  examine
          and/or change the functions associated with your pieces and cities.

      M:  Move.  Cause a round to be played by you and the computer.

      N:  Give the computer the number of free moves you specify.  The game gets
          more  interesting if you give the computer 50 to 100 free moves at the

      P:  Re-display current sector on screen.

      R:  Display the round number.

      S:  Clears the screen.

      T:  Request a printout of the entire map.  You must supply a file spec for
          where you want the map put.

      Q:  Quit the game.  Be sure to save first.

      V:  Save game.

     4.0   MOVEMENT MODE

     To simply move a piece, type one of the following keys;

    	A D

     These keys move in the direction of the key from S.  The characters are
     not echoed and only 1 character is accepted, so no need for a <Return>.
     Hit the SPACE BAR if you want the piece to stay put.

     Other commands are:

     H: display Help text (hit any character to continue moving)

     J: enter Editing Mode

     G: fill:  put the troop transport (or aircraft carrier) to sleep until it
        accumulates 6 armies (or 8 fighters), then wake it up.  If the ship is
        damaged, the ship will wake up when it has all it can take.

     I: set unit to moving in a direction specified by the next character
        typed in, i.e. QWE
           	 	  A D

     K: wake up piece. If piece is a troop transport or carrier, all armies
        or fighters on board are also woken up.

     L: set fighter path for city to be the direction following the "L".

     O: cancel auto move. At the end of the round, Orders Mode will prompt.
        Doesn't affect current piece.

     P: refresh the screen

     R: if it's an army, set it to moving at random.

     S: put on sentry duty.

     ?: display information about the piece. Shows the function, hits left,
        range and number of armies or fighters aboard.

     ATTACKING something is accomplished by moving onto the square of  the  unit
     you  wish  to  attack.   Hits  are  traded  off at 50% probability of a hit
     landing on one or the other units until  one  unit  is  totally  destroyed.
     There is only 1 possible winner.


       If you give a  piece  a  direction  or  move  function,  they  will  wake
     TEMPORARILY  if  they run into an obstacle (or enemy).  You must explicitly
     wake the piece to regain complete control or assign it a new function.

       Fighters moving under the command of a function will wake  up  when  they
     have  10  rounds of fuel left.  This is to enable you to decide whether you
     want to make it kamikaze or send it back  to  a  city  for  refueling.   Be
     careful  to  cancel  any currently assigned function before trying to bring
     the fighter back.

       You are "allowed" to do FATAL things like,  attack  your  own  cities  or
     other   pieces.   If  you  try  to  do  fatal  move  that  involve  terrain
     restrictions, like, drive armys into the sea and ships into land,  you  are
     given  a  chance  to  reconsider.  Answer with an "N" if you want to commit
     suicide.  You cannot move onto the edge of the world.

     5.0   EDITING MODE

     Editing mode allows you to move around the 'world' and check on  things.
     You  can  assign and deassign movements and inquire on the production of
     cities.  Movements assigned during editing mode do not take effect until
     the next round.

     To move the cursor around, use the standard direction keys.

    	A D

     Other commands are:

     H: Display Help text (hit any character to continue editing).

     O: Exit from editing mode.

     I: Give piece (or city) the function 'direction', enter the key
        specifying the direction following the 'I'.

     K: Wake up piece (or cancel city fighter path).

     M: Put piece (or city) in 'move' function. Type M over piece (or city),
        then move the cursor to where you want it to go, and type 'N'.
        Assigning a 'move' to a city, effects any fighters that land there.

     N: Specify the end point of a move (see M command).

     P: Display new sector. Each sector represents a 20*70 area of the map,
        arranged as follows:
    	    0 5
    	    1 6
    	    2 7
    	    3 8
    	    4 9
       the sectors overlap by 5 vertically, and 40 horizontally.

     R: Put army in 'random'.

     S: Put piece in Sentry mode.

     Y: Change phase of city that cursor is on top of. When program asks for
        production demands, key in the letter corresponding to what you want

     ?: Display information about piece or city. For pieces, displays
        function, range, hits left, any pieces aboard. Cities display
        production, fighter paths, and any pieces in the city.


      You can give cities functions.  This doesn't affect the city any, but any
     fighter  landing in that city will pick up the specified function.  This is
     useful for setting up automatic fighter movements.

      Note that you cannot affect anything inside a city with the editor.  This
     also holds for anything on board a troop transport or an aircraft carrier.

tihor (04/08/83)

cmcl2!tihor    Apr  8 12:39:00 1983

Note that this empire is not the one this news group was formed to discuss.

jj (04/08/83)

	Well, we can say for sure now that there are two COMPLETELY different
versions of empire.  The one I know about is an economic game, with
as many players as the system will allow, with occasional wars, and no
moving by the computer, etc.  A description is much too long to post,
probably 10 times the lengtj of the article about the "wargame" at
	Don't contact me for information, I don't have time to
cope with the requests.  I suspect that someone will post a
description of the empire game I know soon enough.