Telecom-Request%usc-eclc@brl-bmd.UUCP (Telecom-Request@usc-eclc) (10/18/83)
TELECOM Digest Tuesday, 18 Oct 1983 Volume 3 : Issue 77 Today's Topics: 1200 baud via non-Bell Ringing my phone Re: MCI mail sign-on Dialing arrangements NEED HELP with a modem (INTERTEL MCS1200) Re: ComKey 416 If it ain't POTS, we can't deal with it. (or pre-echo of the breakup) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Oct 1983 0211-PDT From: STERNLIGHT@USC-ECL Subject: 1200 baud via non-Bell For some time I have been unable to get my Hayes Smartmodem 1200 to recognize 1200 baud handshakes from either the east coast or Chicago to Los Angeles via SPRINT. Bell works fine. It isn't the modem since another copy of the same modem also just sits there on SPRINT. The SPRINT people acknowledge that it's their system, which works ok at 300 but not 1200 baud. Has anyone had any luck at 1200 baud with any other non-bell carrier coast-to-coast? --david-- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Oct 83 15:49:48 EDT From: Brinton Cooper <abc@brl-bmd> Subject: Ringing my phone I'm sure that this has been asked before, but I wasn't around then, so... What are the ways which I can use to ring my own telephone (e.g., for troubleshooting the bell)? I think we're on some kind of ESS, but I'm not sure. We do have foreign area exchange service, and Touch-Tone(R) works on our lines. Thankx, Brint ------------------------------ Date: 16 Oct 1983 1934-PDT Subject: Re: MCI mail sign-on From: Ian H. Merritt <MERRITT@USC-ISIB.ARPA> Terribly sorry... I neglected to put that information in my initial message. The username and password are both 'REGISTER' <>IHM<> ------------------------------ Date: 17 Oct 1983 0913-EDT From: John R. Covert <RSX-DEV at DEC-MARLBORO> Subject: Dialing arrangements It may come as a surprise to many people that the rotary dial arrangement in the U.S. (and most countries) is not universal. At least Sweden and New Zealand have different dials: Interruptions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Digit: US 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Sweden 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N.Z. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Does anyone know of any additional arrangements or of any other countries which use the Swedish or New Zealand arrangements? ------------------------------ Date: Mon 17 Oct 83 05:49:37-CDT From: Werner Uhrig <CMP.WERNER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA> Subject: NEED HELP with a modem (INTERTEL MCS1200) I just acquired a modem, INTERTEL MCS1200 very cheaply, which I am trying to get to work and would appreciate some help with. Is there someone out there who either has one, has access to a manual for it, or can give advice with the followig problem. Note: I only have a 2 page copy of specs and description, and am rather ignorant with hardware. Description: sync or async modem, operating at 1200 or 1800 Baud. DataRate: sync at 1200 on unconditioned Type 3002 lines and 1800 on C2 conditioned Type 3002 lines. async operation up to 1200 bps on uncond. 3002 and 1800 ... Data Format: serial sync or async (strap selected) Op. Mode: half or full duplex, 4wire lines Carrier: switched or constant Modulation: FSK Clear-to-Send-Delay: 0 85 + 5ms or 60 + 5ms (strap selected) Transmit Level: 0dBm to -12dBm adjustable by calib. potentiometer Receive Level: +5dBm to -35dBm etc..... These are the setup and problem symptoms: - I hook red and green phone cables to one pair of line connectors and connect it to the second pair with a jumper-wire - I connect via RS-232 cable to my H/Z-100 - the indicator lites test ok - the switch to have the modem "self-test" is "frozen" and can't be moved to cause a self-test. - the indicator lights come on ok, but when I would expect to see the RTS and CTS lights indicate a "conversation", nothing happens. the lites on are: PWR, DCD, RXD. - the jumpers look "right" as far as I can tell without manual, but the modem must have gotten wet as all are corroded (that's why I got it cheap in the first place) Anyone with advice out there ? Werner (UUCP: {ihnp4,ut-sally,decvax!allegra,ucbvax!nbires} !ut-ngp!werner or: { ut-sally , ut-ngp } !utastro!werner ARPA: werner@utexas-20 ------------------------------ Date: Mon 17 Oct 83 11:36:19-EDT From: Gene Hastings <HASTINGS@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: Re: ComKey 416 Random order of response... I thought that intercom was one of the options available on ComKey. Am I wrong? (I see no reason, personally why intercom should be physically separate-the closest to that advice is that even Bell operating companies sometimes use non-WE equipment, specifically to add intercom to a 1A2 style key system [central apparatus] since the WE version is more complicated and costly for small systems.) I suggest you check with a few suppliers about what they have availble. Distributors that have serious product lines include Graybar (check for your closest) Buckeye Telephone and Supply Co. 1800 Arlingate Lane Columbus, Ohio 43228 614/276-8131 Famous Telephone Supply PO Box 2172 Akron, Ohio 44309 800/321-9122 216/762-8811 TW Comcorp. 122 Cutter Mill Rd. Great Neck, New York 11021 516/482-8100 314/569-2950 Gene ------------------------------ Date: 17 October 1983 16:57 EDT From: Jeffrey R. Del Papa <DP @ MIT-ML> Subject: If it ain't POTS, we can't deal with it. (or pre-echo of the Subject: breakup) The local operating company has reached a new low. An only slightly complex installation order caust great amounts of pain. The order was for the same service I had 1 year previously. (Two incoming lines, one with unltd service and several listings, the other with message units, a hunt group between the two, and one rented phone per line.) The sevice was ordered in early june for installation on august 28'th. We picked up our phone for the second line, with only minor problems. (the service office was far worse than described, and we had to deal with two of them.) To our suprise, the installer showed up on the 28'th, only one day after the strike ended. he poked around, discovered that on the three service drops (the previous tenants ran a hifi salon out of the apartment) one contained our secondary number, one was shorted out back at the CO, and the third had one of the previous residents services on it (the service was also installed at their new place.) he straightened out the wiring, installed one jack, identified each of the jacks as to which line they contained, and was generaly helpfull. He claimed that the rest of the CO wiring would occur before 6pm that day, and left. Well of course they didn't manage to get it turned on. Calls to repair, and the business office produced claims of: It will be turned on by 6pm today (or occasionly tommorow), there a problem, call (the buisness office) (repair) there is no problem, your service is working, and finally we don't have a pair out to your area. After one week of daily calling, someone came out and badly misinstalled a "AML" unit on our outside wall. An aml is a two line carrier unit that stacks two lines on one pair. the installer neglected to install any of the weatherproofing, and of course it didn't work. More calls to repair. great amounts of invective. Get to know many supervisors and foremen. beat there direct phone numbers out of directory assistance. know several of the less competent installers by name. Of course, when they installed the aml in the CO, they disconnected our number from the out of service intercept. of course our old phone was shut down, and a referal trap was put on it, and of course it refers people to the non working primary number. Requsting that they put our primary number back on the intercept, or on the pair we have working, or setting the primary line busy, so the hunt circut would forward, or changing the referal, were disregarded, "because your service will be working by 6pm today". more invective flowed. It rained, the AML started recieving a local radio station. I called the sister of a coworker, that was in the regulatory section of the PUC (mass). She had one of the people in the complaint section give me a call. I explained the problem to the person. She failed to understand. I got questions like "Why do you have two lines? What is a hunt group? AML?". I handwaved a bit, and gave her my stock of names and phone numbers. she said she would call them and get an explaination. After two weeks had elapsed, the installation manager said that tommorow morning we would have two supervisors, and a craftsperson out to your house. at 8am on saturday they arrived as promised. the craftsperson (who was the one who came out the first time.) rewired the AML slightly, installed a battery, and flipped the switch inside from "ship" to "operate". Winnage! two working lines. ringing even. A promise from the buisness office to not charge for installation. a promise to credit for message units on the non unltd. line. A claim that the hunt relay works... Three weeks later I call home, and get a busy signal. On a hunch, I call the secondary line. it rings. On monday I call repair and claim disfunction in the hunt circut. they make default promise (6pm). they loose. on the third cycle I am told that the problem is definitely in the CO. I tell the nice person that I knew that, and that would she please explain why they didn't fix it. she says "a foreman will call within 1 hour" this doesn't happen. nor does the line get fixed. On friday of the following week, we get a call. they are going to fix it, but they have to disconnect our service to do this. They don't guarantee finishing before quitting time, and wouldn't we rather wait untill tuesday, rather than risk loosing our service over the three day weekend. we agree with them. At 8 am tuesday, they call and tell me that they are shutting my service off. this happens. when I return at 9pm, the service is restored, but the hunt relay still fails. After calling on wensday, a repair type shows up at the house on thursday and removes the aml, changes the carbon blocks in the lightning arrestor, and reverses the polarity on one of the lines, forcing me to go around and re-wire the jacks so the touch tone pads work again. The repair person does not know what a hunt group is, (after rowan explained it to him 4 times he finally understood, and even thought it was a good idea to have them) he called the CO and discovered that hunting does not work over AML's, and that the service order for the office work went in at 5pm. on friday they finally call and say that it works. they were finally right. I have asked the buisness office to please correct the start of service date on our phones to reflect the date when the installation was completed. I also asked again about the formal complaint proceedings. They handwaved, and said they take them over the phone. I asked for the address to send the complaint to, and about any special forms to complain on. the person didn't know but would have a supervisor call with the info. I wonder if it will happen. tiredly, Jeff ------------------------------ End of TELECOM Digest *********************