Telecom-Request%usc-eclc@brl-bmd.UUCP (Telecom-Request@usc-eclc) (11/09/83)
TELECOM Digest Wednesday, 9 Nov 1983 Volume 3 : Issue 95 Today's Topics: sorry MCI delete key 800-9xy-9999 HELP ADVANCED ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 Nov 1983 1336-PST From: Jon Solomon <JSol@USC-ECLC> Subject: sorry Yesterday's issue was subject to the typical Digestifier bug. I know what the problem is, but I haven't come up with a fix for it. I can avoid the problem manually, but like all manual operations, occasionally something falls through the crack. --Jon ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Nov 83 20:30 EST From: Dennis Rockwell <drockwel@BBN-Vax> Subject: MCI delete key Hmm... last night (at about 2245) I accidentally hit the DELETE key on my terminal while entering a postal address, and my session wedged. I hung up the phone and redialled (using both the local Boston number and the 800 number), got the modem tone, but I never got any response to my CRs. I could believe that, if they use the 800 number routing features, that both numbers would get me to the same MCI PAD, so is it possible that the PAD itself got wedged somehow? I haven't yet tried to see if there is still a DRAFT (sounds like I'm insulating my house...). Did anyone else in the Boston area experience a service interruption about that time? Also, I suspect that MCI didn't want to sanction use of the BS or DEL keys because there are terminals which send some sort of "cursor left" or "delete character" code when such a key is struck; this would also be the case for "right arrow" keys. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Nov 83 17:39:11 PST From: jmrubin%ucbcoral.CC@Berkeley (Joel Rubin) Subject: 800-9xy-9999 These numbers now all seem to give a recorded message about how they can't complete the call. No more Oklahoma City weather, no more WWV, no more Colorado directory assistance. ------------------------------ Date: 8-Nov-83 09:36:09-EST From: jmh@BNL The lack of RUB, is just one several problems with the MCI Mail editor. When editing lines (and they put this in as a "feature") you must enter 1) the line number 2) the old text 3) the new text. It seems they put these three requirements in, so that if you want to change one word, you can just enter the old word, and then the new word. I admit that this is useful, but what about if you want to change a phrase (5 words) wouldn't be easier just to type the whole line over? Or how about if you want to change the whole sentence? No provisions were made for longer editing... To change a line you have two options: 1) Use Change (and type in old line, and new line) 2) Delete the old line, and use insert to type in the new line. Either way you waste time, either typing in old text, or waiting for menus to scroll by. (unless you have ADVANCED services) The solution seems to be... just use your own editor, or word processor then upload the message to MCI. Quite a few people using MCI will be using Apples, and Ataris, and other lower priced computers which use ctrl-H, so it is unlikely MCI will do anything about the RUB key. I received a letter in my MCI Mailbox today (which I assume they sent out to everyone) It informed me that I should type HELP ADVANCED to find out about their new service. The first feature they will provide for $10/month is ** NO MENUS **. In an average session a user might see 6 or 7 menus (and 5 or 6 for each letter he types in). These menus are usually six 80 column lines. It only took me one day to learn the my options at each prompt, and now I must wade throguh menus. It seems like what they are doing by asking for $10/month is "blackmail." If we pay them, they won't FORCE us to see menus. All the other services listed under ADVANCED, were certainly worth it (e.g. storage, forwarding, multiple letterheads.) I, not using MCI Mail for business, have no use for any of those advanced features. I am also not willing to pay $10/month for the "feature" of aborting menus (which should be standard and expected.) The only thing one must consider is the fact that they are not charging for basic monthly service or on-line charges. If they were charging for on-line time, then abortable menus would be demanded by most users. I feel that if I send 10 letters a month using MCI Mail, that they should allow me to skip menus, without adding $120 to my bill each year. If you agree, PLEASE write them a letter (to MCIHELP) and tell them what you think. It will take quite a few of us to push them into a new po ------------------------------ Date: Mon 7 Nov 83 19:07:06-PST From: Jim Celoni S.J. <Celoni@SU-SCORE.ARPA> Subject: HELP ADVANCED Advanced MCI Mail will be available to users beginning the middle of November. The initial service charge is $10.00/month. If you'd like to submit your subscription request now, send an MCI Mail message TO: MCIHELP. Not sure why you might want to become an Advanced user? ***** "Command:" prompts instead of menus. As an Advanced user, you get the control and flexibility to enter commands and options when you want them, the way you want them. ***** Address a number of people at once with a mailing list. Create a mailing list with everyone's name on it -- and send your message TO: the listname. A single entry -- but everyone on the list gets the message. A list can have any number of electronic and postal addresses alike. ***** Avoid the multiple listing for similar names; create a personal "address book". If you always have to select your Joe Smith from the display of other Joe Smiths on the system -- create a mailing list just for Joe's name, and use it every time you need to address him. ***** Forward a message to someone else. When you want to pass along some information you've received, you can forward a copy of the message, including a "cover letter" from you with your own comments about what you're forwarding. ***** Choose a different "style" of correspondence. In addition to the business-letter style on MCI Mail, you can opt to send a more casual MEMO, where the paper copy looks just like the electronic copy, with the complete envelope including all TO and CC recipient names. ***** Use another letterhead, another signature. An Advanced user can register additional signature and letterhead graphics. Add the personal yet professional touch to your MEMOs and LETTERs using a logo and signature that reflect a formal or informal style. ***** A bigger Mailbox, with longer message retention. Advanced service allows up to 250 kilobytes of storage, as well as 5 days' storage for your messages and DRAFTS. If you need more storage, we'll increase your Mailbox by another 250 kilobytes at $10/month; there's no limit to the size Mailbox you may have. ------------------------------ End of TELECOM Digest *********************