[fa.telecom] TELECOM Digest V3 #101

Telecom-Request%usc-eclc@brl-bmd.UUCP (Telecom-Request@usc-eclc) (11/16/83)

TELECOM Digest          Wednesday, 16 Nov 1983    Volume 3 : Issue 101

Today's Topics:
                        digestifier blew up again
                        Dialling arrangements etc.
                             phone ring-back

Date: 15 Nov 1983 1512-PST
From: Jon Solomon <JSol@USC-ECLC>
Subject: digestifier blew up again

I put a patch into the program I use to digestify the incoming
TELECOM mail, but due to obvious lossage, I am forced to remove
the patch. This will mean that I have to spend more time hand-
formatting each message before sending it out. I was pleased
that digestifying only took a mere 2 minutes total every night,
now it's probably going to be around 15-30 minutes. Grr..



Date: 15 Nov 83 12:55:44+0100 (Tue)
From: ole@NTA-VAX (Ole Jorgen Jacobsen)
Subject: Dialling arrangements etc.

        Hello friends in the telephone world,

        I only just subsrcibed to this list and while reading through
        the the archives I noticed a couple of questions relating to
        dialling arrangements which I will answer herein.

        First of all "Telegrafverket" is the old name for the
        Norwegian Telco, now called "Televerket". Don Lynns phone was
        made by EB which is Elektrisk Bureau an LM Ericsson sister
        company in Norway.  The dial is the "Oslo" or "X" dial as
        explained below. EB now make our new fancy Tastafones which
        are "Touch Tone Compatible".

        On the subject of dials:

        There are (at least) 3 types of dials in used worldwide:

         o The "Z" dial is the most common (Internationally) and it
           looks like this:

                        (4) (3)
                      (5)     (2)
                     (6)       (1)          Pulses correspond to
                     (7)                   digits (10 pulses for 0)
                      (8)      \\
                        (9) (0)

         o Next comes the peculiar "Oslo" or "X" dial:
           (Also used in New Zealand?)

                        (6) (7)
                      (5)     (8)           Still 10 pulses for 0 but
                     (4)       (9)          the rest is inverted
                      (2)      \\
                        (1) (0)

        The Oslo dial is only used within the city itself, we are 10
        miles out of Oslo and have the Z dial, it is apparently too
        expensive to re-strap the old exchanges so we are stuck with
        the two incompatible phone types until it all dies and goes

         o Finally, in Sweden the shifted "Y" dial is used:

                        (3) (2)
                      (4)     (1)
                     (5)       (0)         Similar to the "Z", but
                     (6)                   shifted so that 0 gives
                      (7)      \\          one pulse and 9 gives ten.
                        (8) (9)

        I am not sure what the basis of all this is, but can only
        assume "Historical Reasons".

        Just before the new Tastafones went into production here a
        couple of years ago, it was decided to have the keypad layout
        DIFFERENT to your favorite Ma Bell. The reason is apparently
        that people familiar with calculators should not have to re-
        program their hands when shifting to the new phones, I guess
        it makes sense, but it is still a bit wierd.  The keys still
        give the same MFs of course so that our phones would work on
        your system and vise versa.

             7  8  9                        1  2  3
             4  5  6                        4  5  6
             1  2  3                        7  8  9
             0  *  #                        *  0  #

           Our  keypad                     Your keypad

                     Enjoy International Standards!

                                Ole J Jacobsen
                                Norwegian Telecommunications
                                Research Establishment
                                N-2007 Kjeller
                                +47 2 73 91 75



Date: 15 Nov 1983 11:03:27-PST
From: wa.HP-MARS@Rand-Relay
Subject: phone ring-back

Does anyone happen to know what the magic number is that can be dialed
and will cause your own phone to automatically ring-back after you
hang up?  The number I will be calling from is (408)946-xxxx or

Mail response to ashby.hplabs@rand-relay or ...!hplabs!ashby

                            Thanks, Wayne Ashby


End of TELECOM Digest