Telecom-Request%mit-mc@brl-bmd.UUCP (Telecom-Request@mit-mc) (03/01/84)
TELECOM Digest Thursday, 1 Mar 1984 Volume 4 : Issue 29 Today's Topics: Email in Canada Technical Difference of Opinion on No. 2 & 5 ESS Call Waiting Design New Newsletter on Telecommunications & the Handicapped ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Feb 84 07:22:16 pst From: jmrubin%ucbcoral.CC@Berkeley (Joel Rubin) Subject: Email in Canada Ad from 2/84 TPUG (Toronto Pet User's Group) Magazine: Now from Telecom Canada The Individual User Service for Personal Computer Users Envoy 100, the National Electronic Messaging Service Envoy 100 the messenger of the 80's. For more information about Envoy 100 call our toll free numbers 1-800-267-4747 (112-800-267-4747 in British Columbia) (full page ad, with flying bird Envoy and Telecom logos) (N.B. I haven't tried it, but I assume that, as with other Canadian 800 #'s, this one won't work from the states.) ------------------------------ Date: 28-Feb-1984 1111 From: (John Covert) <decwrl!rhea!castor!covert@Shasta> Subject: Technical Difference of Opinion on No. 2 & 5 ESS Call Waiting Subject: Design The designers of No. 5 ESS and I have a "technical difference of opinion" (as it is sometimes politely called). Subscribers in No. 1 and 1A ESS have long enjoyed the ability of using Call Waiting at almost any time during a conversation. Subscribers in No. 2 ESS and many other systems, most recently, No. 5 ESS, AT&Ts new digital office, have been unable to make as good use of call waiting, because any time a three-way conversation is in progress, a significant amount of time for many heavy telephone users, Call Waiting is disabled. It seems that AT&T is convinced this is correct. It drastically reduces the usefullness of BOTH call waiting and three way calling. When I complained that my No. 2 ESS service did not work as well as my No 1. ESS service, i.e. did not provide the same functionality, even though priced the same, the replies which I received from the local operating company (at that time a part of AT&T) were that it wasn't supposed to work, and that the behaviour in No. 1 ESS was better than advertised. Here is what the latest advertisements for Call Waiting say: Never miss an incoming call because your phone is busy. With Call Waiting, improtant calls get through, even when you're talking on the phone. Because if someone else is trying to reach you, you'll hear a "beep" -- and you can put the first call on hold while you answer the second one. If the first call is a three-way call, in No. 2 and No. 5 ESS, this advertisement is not correct. ------------------------------ From: deepthot!julian%watmath@BRL-BMD.ARPA Date: Mon, 27 Feb 84 05:21:25 est From: Julian Davies From: <decvax!clyde!watmath!deepthot!julian@BRL-BMD.ARPA> Subject: New Newsletter on Telecommunications & the Handicapped The IFIP WG6.5 Subgroup on "computer message systems and the communication impaired" is publishing a newsletter to appear quarterly. I am the editor (de facto) and the first issue has just been mailed out to those I am aware of as likely to have a significant interest. (Significant enough to pay $5 a year for a subscription, that is!) I have names of those with IFIP involvement with computer message systems. Anyone else who would like a subscription is invited to send $5 to Handi-Communications Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario London Ontario CANADA N6A 5B7 I suspect that this column is mainly read by people with the computer - telecommunications interest. If anyone can put me in touch with organizations specifically dealing with the 'Communication Impaired' (Blind Deaf etc) that would be concerned with computer message systems, please send me mail. (To forstall a lot of redundancy, I do know about the SRI/Gallaudet Deafnet, the GTE Deafnet, and the Trace Research Lab.) Organizations with interests covering electronic mail, etc and the handicapped OUTSIDE North America and Britain I would particularly like to learn of. Thanks, Julian Davies UUCP {decvax etc}!watmath!deepthot!julian Envoy-100 dj.davies ------------------------------ End of TELECOM Digest *********************