telecom@ucbvax.ARPA (03/15/85)
From: Jon Solomon (the Moderator) <Telecom-Request@BBNCCA> TELECOM Digest Thu, 14 Mar 85 17:45:20 EST Volume 4 : Issue 169 Today's Topics: Equal access collect calls T1, T1C, T2, ... Re: AT&T long distance (TELECOM Digest V4 #90 and #91) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ima!johnl@bbncca Date: Sun Mar 10 16:25:00 1985 Subject: Equal access collect calls To: bbncca!telecom Some of the carriers such as ITT have billing arrangements with the operating companies for casual users, but bill customers who have selected them as primary carrier directly. Such an arrangement makes collect calls practical, since they always have some way to bill. But here's a similar issue. If I call home from Europe and either call collect or with a calling card, I pay the bill to AT&T, and I pay AT&T's international rate. Rates from the US to Europe are typically about half what they are the other way, so by doing so I save a bundle. My question is what the division of revenue is. Does each end just keep its money and assume the collect and credit card calls will even out as they split the costs anyway, or is there some more complicated setup? Knowing the phone company, there must be. John Levine, ima!johnl or Levine@YALE.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 85 17:44:51 EST From: Roy <MARANTZ@RUTGERS.ARPA> Subject: T1, T1C, T2, ... Anyone know where I can get info on the high speed "protocols" used by the phone company (and others) called T1, T1C, T2, and also CEPT1 and CEPT2? Are they just data rates or are they more like the RS-232C type protocol which has electrical characteristics? The reason I'm asking is that I'm investigating making a ethernet to ethernet "gateway" that goes over a microwave (or land) link operating at one of these speeds. I have the design (from SUMEX) for Ethernet gateways, but they don't (I think) have any design which talks over these kinds of lines. So any help on the protocols or multibus cards that interface into this kind of stuff would be appreciated. Thanks. Roy ------- ------- ------------------------------ From: ihnp4!houpo!bear@Berkeley Date: 12 Mar 85 16:10:44 CST (Tue) To: ihnp4!ucbvax!telecom@Berkeley Subject: Re: AT&T long distance (TELECOM Digest V4 #90 and #91) If you read even more carefully you will see that what AT&T wants is equal pricing for equal services. If ENFIA B and ENFIA C are equal for incoming calls why should AT&T be prohibited from using the less expensive trunks? Should OCCs be required to pay premium rates for terminating traffic from places that they have equal access? There are complex issues to be resolved in the transition from the old AT&T to the new competitive environment, but "sleazy" is unkind. Jim Allen ...ihnp4!houpi!bear AT&T Bell Laboratories (201) 949-4108 ------------------------------ End of TELECOM Digest ******************************