[fa.telecom] TELECOM Digest V4 #188

telecom@ucbvax.ARPA (05/05/85)

From: Jon Solomon (the Moderator) <Telecom-Request@BBNCCA>

TELECOM Digest     Sun, 5 May 85 12:41:35 EDT    Volume 4 : Issue 188

Today's Topics:
                  1985 Staten Island, NYC call guide
                          Pay phone earpiece

Date:     Sat, 4 May 85 9:54:31 EDT
From:     Carl Moore (VLD/VMB) <cmoore@Brl.ARPA>
To:       telecom@Brl.ARPA
Subject:  1985 Staten Island, NYC call guide

Message unit zones, which formerly ran thru southern Westchester and
out to Amityville, Cold Spring Harbor & Farmingdale near the Nassau/
Suffolk border, now also include northern Westchester, Putnam, Rockland
and a small part of Orange (latter 2 across the Hudson!) and also
western Suffolk as far east as Bellport.

Goof in list of zones? It says dial 1+718 for Brooklyn, Queens, S.I.
(and 1+area code for 212,914,516 area points).

Calls within New York Metropolitan LATA (includes Greenwich & Byram in
Connecticut?) are billed by N.Y.Telephone, along with calls to 5 N.J.
counties: Passic, Bergen, Essex, Union, Hudson. (It has been noted else-
where that phone prefixes can cross county lines.)


Date:     Sat, 4 May 85 9:55:16 EDT
From:     Carl Moore (VLD/VMB) <cmoore@Brl.ARPA>
To:       telecom@Brl.ARPA
Subject:  DTN

I saw DTN in a message header today.  Is that some sort of phone #?


Date: Sat, 4 May 85 07:53:32 pdt
From: schoch@Berkeley (Steve Schoch)
To: telecom@Berkeley
Subject: Pay phone earpiece

I have an earpiece I got from a vandalized phone and noticed that the
terminals were connected to a coil of wire that goes around the whole thing
(the coil is made of thin wire 1 3/4 inch diameter).  At first I thought it
was the speaker coil, but when I disconnected this coil, the earpiece still

Does this coil have something to do with magnetic coupling devices that
might be attached to the phone?  I can't think of any other use for it as
it doesn't seem to affect the operation at all.

				Steve Schoch


End of TELECOM Digest