crose (08/10/82)

 This is a SPOILER!!!

 The game Tron:
The first level of Tron is easy. To get past the MCP you just go
over to the left and keep shooting. Try to get all the blocks, there
is a 1000 point bonus for doing do.
To get past the tanks, bring your tank over the square(transporter)
in the middle. Don't enter it. Just shoot through it. The other tank
can't shoot through it so you have enough time to shoot him thrice.
 The Bugs are no problem on the first level. I usually go to the right
and keep firing then kill as many as I can before the time runs out.
 The cars(or car) on the first level is the easy one. You go full speed
to your right then go up around him(he is slower) and surround him.
Slow down after he has been surrounded.
Sometimes when you attack the MCP you fire two shots at a time
instead of one. It has happened to me twice and my friend many times.

Second Level.
The MCP on the second level is much harder than the one on the first
level. Sometimes, rarely you get thrre (three) shots at it instead
of two. Shot at the right and try and get all the blocks.
If it starts to build up on you, enter the cone.
 Tanks on the second level are VERY easy to get by. First of all
swing your tank so it points up and fire three shots for the first
tank, than back up to the wall and shot the second tank three times and
go up to the top of the screen to dodge his shot. Then wait for the third tank to come out the 
bottom and blow him away.
 Bugs on the second level are VERY hard. There is no pattern to
killing them, I just start firing all over. Usually to the left.
If I get a break, run to the left, they usually haven't multiplied
as much over there. Then enter the light ray.

 The cars(ugghh) I have lost more men on the cars. I usually take off
to the left cut back down, that take care of two of them, then just
slow down and wait to see if the third one dies.

Third Level.

To get the MCP go all the way to the RIGHT and shoot. When you have a 
hole, run for the cone. 

Bugs, very easy and worth a lot. You just shoot a hole to the right,
run through it, stand next to the light and keep firing. I can usually
pick up a few thousand points doing this.
Tanks, hard, but not impossible. I have no pattern except shot
and dodge.

Cars, if you are good at it they are easy. This takes practice.
You go to the right very slowly until the cars are on top of you, then you
spped up, go down and make a square(CLOSED OFF). Then slow down and wait.
the cars will keep going and all crash.

This is based on the game TRON. I have only perfected patterns up
to level 3. 
Happy TRONing!
              -Andy Rose