[net.video] A Laserdisk Question

gm@trsvax.UUCP (08/06/84)

trsvax!gm    Aug  5 19:26:00 1984

I have a question for anyone who has a video laser disk player,
(or know how one works). While watching "Risky Business" this
weekend, I noticed on the end of side 2 after the "Laservision (tm)"
logo there was something rather strange. The entire side of the disk
was played over again, reverse, in black & white, at approx. 20x normal,
with no sound. It was like watching the entire movie again in reverse
beta-scan with no noise bars. The entire 60 minutes of side 2 was
played in about 2 minutes starting with the ending credits and going
back to the "Beginning of Side 2" message. Why was this there? Filler?
I have noticed this on other movies, but I can't remember any the titles 
right now. Any explanations?

George Moore						  Tandy System Software
UUCP: ...!allegra!convex!ctvax!trsvax!gm	-or-	...!microsoft!trsvax!gm

dmmartindale@watcgl.UUCP (Dave Martindale) (08/07/84)

This is speculation, but I suspect what you saw was the laser pickup
returning to the inner (beginning) edge of the disk, ready to start
playing the next one.

grw@fortune.UUCP (Glenn Wichman) (08/08/84)

>I have a question for anyone who has a video laser disk player,
>(or know how one works). While watching "Risky Business" this
>weekend, I noticed on the end of side 2 after the "Laservision (tm)"
>logo there was something rather strange. The entire side of the disk
>was played over again, reverse, in black & white, at approx. 20x normal,
>with no sound. It was like watching the entire movie again in reverse
>beta-scan with no noise bars. The entire 60 minutes of side 2 was
>played in about 2 minutes starting with the ending credits and going
>back to the "Beginning of Side 2" message. Why was this there? Filler?
>I have noticed this on other movies, but I can't remember any the titles 
>right now. Any explanations?

    Mine does this a lot.  We think this may be whats happening:
The laser decides to "rewind", i.e. return back to the center, but
the disk is still spinning and the connection to the TV is still on.
    Mine does this sometimes in the middle of a disk (it seems to
happen more often w/rented disks than with ones we own).  When it
happens, there is no use trying to see the rest of the disk.


gm@trsvax.UUCP (08/09/84)

trsvax!gm    Aug  9 12:33:00 1984

Sorry fellows, but what I was seeing was not the disk "rewinding". The laser
shuts off when it returns to the beginning of the disk. Besides, the 
little red light on the front of my unit (LD-660) shows that the laser
was still out at the very edge of the disk. Thanks anyway. Any more theories?
(Yeah, write to CBS-Fox).

George Moore						  Tandy System Software
uucp: ...!allegra!convex!ctvax!trsvax!gm	-or-	...!microsoft!trsvax!gm
		"A good repo man is always intense"