ressler@nbs-amrf.UUCP (Sandy Ressler) (01/28/86)
CD-Roms appear to be the next wave of "amazing new technology that will revolutionize your life and you can't survive without". Seriously folks I've read in some paper that a company out west is working on "walking tours" of London, i.e. surrogate travel via CD-Roms. My question is while such things have been done for years on video disks, and purly computer generated graphics, what are people doing with the CD's? Are they attempting to play video from a CD? or are they storing purely digital image data? The bandwidth of data out of a CD is to low to do video, without major data compresssion trick. Anyone know what sort of stuff is going on, and how people are trying to put video on CD-Roms, if they are? Uucp: ..!{umcp-cs | seismo }!nbs-amrf!ressler Phone: (301) 921-2461 "May all your pixels be square"