[net.video] Multivision and multiple pics

nivek@rover.ri.cmu.edu (Kevin Dowling) (02/25/86)

Multivision Corp makes a digital picture-within-a-picture IC.
I think this is a very interesting product with lots of applications.

This is from their literature.

	Two or more color pictures on one TV or CRT.
	Mixing pictures with computer graphics.
	special effects for videographics and computer graphics.
	combine frozen (still) images with moving images on one screen.

	1 MV10001 can provide a color picture-within-a-picture for a TV
	set at low costs not previously attainable.

	Synchronizes and compresses a composite color video signal
	with a second out-of-phase composite video signal.

	Can use composite or RGB signal.

	4 sizes of the picture inset can be inserted into a larger picture.
	Size is selectable by programming the MV1001 with a microprossor.

>>>	Multiple MV1001's can be used to provide multiple picture insets.

	Large picture, which surrounds picture inset, remains an analog
	composite signal and is not digitally processed or altered in any way.
	(Thus, the MV1001 can be used with most existing TV product designs)

	Serial digital interface to provide locations and picture size 

	Several border features.

	Requires a small amount of external memory (2 256K 150ns RAM)
	These RAMs are running about $3 now. Has built in DRAM controller.

	Low power, 1 48pin DIP, clock is provided on-board if you use DAC's.

all prices are for quantity 1-10
MV1001 is $50
System board is $75
Design Kit $100
Development system $500

Anyway here's the address and phone number:

		Multivision Products, Inc
		46127 Landing Parkway,
		Fremont, CA 94538-6407
		(415) 651-2351


Aka :	Kevin Dowling		Bell:	(412) 268-8830
Arpa:	nivek@rover.ri.cmu.edu	Mail:	Robotics Institute
					Schenley Park
					Carnegie Mellon University
					Pgh, PA 15213