[net.lang.apl] here is the APL\11 Ascii character set

gj@cornell.UUCP (Greg Johnson) (08/13/84)

Here is a description of the Ascii character set for APL\11.
I tried to mail this to the requestor, but had no luck.
So, I am submitting it over the net.
- Greg Johnson

		 The APL\11 ASCII Character Set

Note that the ASCII character set for APL uses both upper-case
and lower-case.

      a-z             letter
      0-9             digit
      `               negative sign
      '--'            string
      C <bs> J  C     comment
      ( )
      [ ; ]           indexing
      L               quad
      L <bs> '        quote quad

                      dyadic          monadic
                      ------          -------
      +               add             plus
      -               sub             negate
      X               mult            sign
      %               div             reciprical
      |               mod             absolute value
      D               min             floor
      S               max             ceiling
      *               pwr             exp
      O <bs> *        log             ln (log base e)
      O               circle funct    pi times
      ' <bs> .        combinatorial   factorial
      !               combinatorial   factorial
      ^               and
      V               or
      ^ <bs> ~        nand
      V <bs> ~        nor
      <               lt
      >               gt
      $               le
      &               ge
      =               eq
      #               ne
      ~                               not
      ?               deal            random number
      R               rho             rho
      I               iota            iota
      E               epsilon
      N               encode
      B               decode
      \ <bs> O        transpose       transpose
      ,               catenate        ravel           *
      Y               take
      U               drop
      {               assign
      }                               goto
      B <bs> N        i-beam          i-beam

                      August 13, 1982

                           - 21 -

      L <bs> %        matrix div      matrix inverse
      | <bs> H        grade up                        *
      G <bs> |        grade down                      *
      B <bs> J                        execute
      N <bs> J                        format
      /               compress                        *
      / <bs> -        compress
      \               expand                          *
      \ <bs> -        expand
      O <bs> |        rotate          reverse         *
      O <bs> -        rotate          reverse
      op /                            reduce          *
      op / <bs> -                     reduce
      J.op            outer product
      op.op           inner product

      * may be subscripted with a scalar