[net.rec.birds] novices

zhahai (04/14/83)

In repone to drb, wondering if this group is alive...

I don't know, I just tuned in and yours was our oldest message (#10 on our
system).  My posslq and I have just started watching birds in the last couple of
months.  We live in the foothills of Colorado, and it really isn't spring yet;
we are hoping to see more later.  So far, we get pygmy and whitebreasted
nuthatches, mountain chickadees, several junkos including Oregon and grey
headed and maybe slate (they seem to interbreed by rumor and appearance) as
well as one hairy (or downy) woodpecker at our feeder.  Also nearby we have seen
stellar's jays (wonderful flash of blue when they fly), a flicker, a robin, 
mountain bluebirds, and maybe a brown creeper.  We see a hawk above the opposite
ridge sometimes; we suspect it is a red-tailed hawk.

Any suggestons about what types of feed to use? We have largely been feeding
with suet/seed cakes, but have heard that we should switch for summer.

BTW, our cat is fascinated (sometimes) with watching through the window.  She
has been known to slowly creep along the window sill, carefully position a paw,
and suddenly swipe along the surface of the glass.  We enjoy it, even if she
seems nonplussed at the deflection of her aim.