[net.rec.birds] Owl Haven Field Trips

Ditch (04/20/83)

       Following are scheduled field trips from NJAS's Owl Haven
       Nature Center in Tennent, NJ.  To register for a program, or
       to check on last minute status, call (201) 780-7007.
       Programs with fees require prepayment to guarantee place.

            Date: Sunday, May 1, 8 am to noon.
            Program:  Spring Migrants Bird walk.
            Place: Woods Trail at Allaire State Park.
            Leader: Bruce Fetz.
            Possibilities: Prothonotary, Worm-eating, and Hooded
            Fee: none.

            Date: Friday, May 6, 7 to 9 pm.
            Program: Woodcock and Whip-poor-wills.
            Place: Owl Haven.
            Leader: Rich Ditch.
            Fee: none.

            Date: Saturday, May 7, 8 am to 8 pm.
            Program: Cape May Birding Van Trip.
            Place: leave from and return to Owl Haven.
            Leader: Rich Ditch.
            Possibilities: Rare Warblers, Terns, Hawks,
	    almost anything.
            Fee: $15 for NJAS members; $18 for non members.

            Date: Saturday, May 14, All Day.
            Program: Bird-A-Thon Fund Raiser.
            Description: Pledge per species seen by Ditch, Fetz,
            and Peachey in Monmouth County.  Goal = 100-125.
            Details from Owl Haven.

            Date: Saturday, May 21, 8 am to 5 pm.
            Program: Tuckerton/Manahawkin Van Trip.
            Place: leave from and return to Owl Haven.
            Leader: Rich Ditch.
            Possibilities: Shorebirds, raptors, passerines.
            Fee: $12 for NJAS members; $14 for non members.

            Date: Sunday, June 5, 8 am to noon.
            Program: Bird walk.
            Place: Conasconk Point, Union Beach.
            Leader: Jack Peachey.
            Possibilities: Shorebirds, Sharp-tailed and
	    Seaside Sparrows, Rails.
            Fee: none.

            Date: Saturday, June 11, 8 am to 5 pm.
            Program: Bull's Island Van Trip.
            Place: leave from and return to Owl Haven.
            Leader: NA.
            Possibilities: Yellow-throated, Prothonotary, and
            Cerulean Warblers, Warbling and Yellow-throated
	    Vireos, Acadian Flycatcher, Orchard Oriole, and
	    Yellow-breasted Chat.
            Fee: $12 for NJAS members; $14 for non members.