[net.rec.birds] Weekend Spring Migrants

5111rd@hound.UUCP (05/02/83)

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 delta 4/26/83; site burl.UUCP
Date:Mon, 2-May-83 10:57:10 EDT

       This weekend produced major arivals of spring migrants.  My
       year list for New Jersey increased by 20 from Thursday
       evening until Sunday afternoon.  Chimney Swifts, Whip-poor-
       wills, Eastern Kingbirds, Green Heron, and Solitary
       Sandpiper are in at Freehold; Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and
       Hermit Thrush were at Scherman Sanctuary in Bernardsville;
       House Wren, Yellow Warbler, Catbird, Ovenbird, White-eyed
       Vireo, Common Yelowthroat, and Blue-winged Warbler are
       widely present.

       Scherman Sanctuary also had lots of American Redstarts,
       Cerulean Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler (all of which I saw),
       plus Northern and Louisiana Waterthrush and Nashville
       Warbler which I missed.

       Allaire State Park had numerous Hooded Warblers, a possible
       Worm-eating Warbler, many Black-and-white Warblers, Brown
       Thrashers, and a Great Crested Flycatcher.

                           Rich Ditch
                           Bell Labs, HO-2H-608
                           (201) 949-0436