mcafee@NETCOM.COM (McAfee Associates) (06/28/91)
I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.trojan-pro> CLEAN80.ZIP Universal virus disinfector, heals/removes NETSCN80.ZIP Network compatible - scan for 293 viruses, v80 SCANV80.ZIP VirusScan, scans disk files for 293 viruses VSHLD80.ZIP Resident virus infection prevention program WHAT'S NEW VIRUSCAN Versions 78 and 79 of VIRUSCAN were skipped because of two trojan horse versions that appeared. Version 80 of SCAN logically follows V77. Version 80 adds several new features to VIRUSCAN: The first is that SCAN now checks inside of files compressed with PKWare's PKLITE program for viruses. Files infected before compression will be reported as being infected internally. Files infected after compression will be reported as being infected externally. When a subdirectory is scanned, SCAN will check subdirectories below that subdirectory when the /SUB option is used. The extension .SWP has been added to the list of extensions scanned by default. The /REPORT option now displays version number, options used, date and time, and validation code results. Also, the capabilty to detect unknown boot sector viruses by scanning for virus-like code has been added. If a boot sector is found that contains suspicious code, SCAN will report that the disk contains a Unrecognized Boot Sector Virus. 51 new viruses have been added. Ones that were reported at multiple sites are: The Telephonica virus -- a memory-resident multipartite virus that infects the boot sectors of floppy disks, the hard disk partition table, and .COM files. The virus infects .COM files at about 15 minute intervals, and keeps a counter of the number of reboots that have occurred. When 400 reboots have occurred, the virus displays the message "VIRUS ANTITELEFONICA (BARCELONA)" and formats the hard disk. The virus has been reported at multiple sites in Barcelona, Spain and in England. The Loa Duong virus -- a memory-resident floppy disk and hard disk boot sector infector. It is named after a Laotian funeral dirge that it plays after every 128 disk accesses. The Michelangelo -- a floppy disk boot sector and hard disk partition table infector based on the Stoned virus. On March 6, Michelangelo's birthdate, it formats the hard disk of infected PC's. The Tequila virus -- sent to us from the United Kingdom but originates in Switzerland. It is a memory-resident multipartite virus uses stealth techniques and attaches to the boot sector of floppies, partition table of hard disks, and .EXE files. It contains messages saying "Welcome to T.TEQUILA's latest production.", "Loving thoughts to L.I.N.D.A", and "BEER and TEQUILA forever !" CLEAN-UP The Empire, Form, Loa Duong, Michaelangelo, Nomenclature, Tequila and V-801 viruses have been added to the list of viruses that can be successfully removed. VSHIELD Version 80 of VSHIELD adds a command to ignore program loads off of specified drives. When the /IGNORE option is activated, the user can specify from which drives VSHIELD will NOT monitor program loads. Also, the capabilty to detect unknown boot sector viruses by scanning for virus-like code has been added. If a diskette boot sector contains suspicious code and a re-boot request is attempted from the diskette, VSHIELD will disallow the re-boot and will report that the disk contains a Unrecognized Boot Sector Virus. NETSCAN Version 80 of NETSCAN adds 51 new viruses. VCOPY VCOPY Version 80 hasn't been released yet, but should follow in a couple of days, as usual. THE NUMBER OF VIRUSES Version 80 adds 51 computer viruses, bringing the number of strains to 293, or, counting variants, 714. Aryeh Goretsky McAfee Associates Technical Support